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[arrl-odv:29779] FW: Re: Messages From "Arrl Message Center" ?????
by Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) 04 Mar '20
by Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) 04 Mar '20
04 Mar '20
Sorry….I didn’t hit “reply all” on my response to Mickey.
Barry, N1VXY
From: Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO)
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:31 PM
To: Mickey Baker <fishflorida(a)>
Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:29774] Re: Messages From "Arrl Message Center" ?????
It’s always the people you would least suspect that are the worst offenders.
I understand that the topic of email addresses for the volunteers was discussed in January but, quite honestly, not much progress has been made on investigating that. You’re right, switching people from the current “forwarding” system and an O365 account would be more costly and likely, given the broad knowledge base of our volunteers, require more staff support to maintain (no offense to anyone on the ODV reflector).
As for operating our own infrastructure versus using a cloud based model, there is currently a committee of the Board looking at that as we speak. We already have applications in the cloud, including Office 365 and will be more when we implement the Personify application later this year. And you might be surprised at the pricing, all in, for cloud based technology. But again, the committee is doing their work so I would ask that you please stand by.
Barry, N1VXY
From: Mickey Baker <fishflorida(a)<>>
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:10 PM
To: Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley(a)<>>
Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)<>>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:29774] Re: Messages From "Arrl Message Center" ?????
I'm glad to hear this story, particularly the use of KnowB4 (a Florida Company!) for internal staff. Our police officers and our HR department at the City were the worse offenders.
The bifurcation of the<> inside v. outside was something we spoke about briefly at the A&F committee meeting in January - I was a guest. This is tough, it requires a table to redirect addresses. Office 365, being paid for on a per mailbox basis, will get more and more expensive as people move out of positions and keep their<>, unless this bifurcation takes place in the data stream BEFORE messages go to the Office 365 server, so you won't be able to get rid of the<> (where I assume this filter is placed) or the reflector, and the associated management to onboard and off-board active roles.
It's a big move from Exchange to Office 365. The easiest way to do it, in my opinion, is to use Quest migration manager. It is slow, but doesn't break anything. I recently moved a 24TB message store AND ARCHIVE and it took 3 months. But it was perfect, we never lost a message (that we know about, anyway!)
In my opinion, the ARRL is too small to be operating our own infrastructure, given the economies available with Cloud offerings.
Likely the cost in hardware maintenance (if the ARRL pays hardware maintenance!) and insurance can justify the cost of cloud-based infrastructure and eliminate site dependent issues. The umbrella of protection of cloud provided security tools, the ability to adjust performance with demand, and physical environment costs offer a compelling case.
If I can help Mike's team in any way, let me know. I'm available as a volunteer.
Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf
On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 3:28 PM Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley(a)<>> wrote:
To give you some idea of the approach and methods we’re using here at HQ for email scanning, I’ll let Michael Keane, K1MK describe it:
We need to distinguish between the email controls that are in place for
just<> forwards (the Board) versus mail that is delivered to HQ
We should also distinguish between emails which have virus or other
malware payloads attached to the message and phishing attempts. Those
are two different kinds of threats which are detected by different
means. Phishing emails may appear as apparently benign as saying "please
call this phone number" or "click on this link". This makes phising
messages more difficult to detect programmatically without
simultaneously generating a whole bunch of false positives -- valid
messages being sent off to the spam folder.
All mail inbound messages to<> addresses first passes through
PoBox's anti-spam filtering and basic virus scanning. As part of their
anti-spam filtering PoBox blocks messages that are sent from hosts on
the real-time blacklist which contains known bad actors.
PoBox blocks over 90% of the inbound traffic being sent to<> and<> address as spam or malware. The vast majority of the traffic through PoBox is for<>.
"Zero days" in which phishy or spam-ish messages manage to leak through
PoBox's filters can and do occur, and continue until PoBox can adjust
their Bayesian filters in response. If the Board members are interested,
they may forward examples of spam-ish messages that are delivered to
their<> addresses that have managed to evade PoBox's filters onto
Dave or Oscar who can help expedite closing the loop with PoBox to get
leaks plugged more quickly.
Once incoming messages hit our inbound Exchange server there is an
additional level of spam filtering in place there. After final delivery
to user endpoints -- desktops -- we are running McAffe Endpoint Security
to protect the endpoints (computers) against possible virus/malware
But all of the above is not sufficient to block all phishing attempts
which by the very nature of their very design are intended to fly low
under the radar of common safeguards and not to trigger a security
response. To combat what is ultimately a human factors vulnerability, we
have since 2018 required that all staff attend and successfully complete
phishing security training. And to be tested and re-certified on a
periodic basis. We employ KnowBe4 (<<>>) for staff phishing
security training.
As you are well aware, this is a constant battle. And as Michael noted, we’re using technology and human training to combat the threats.
Barry, N1VXY
From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces(a)<>> On Behalf Of Mickey Baker
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 11:12 AM
To: Keane, Michael, K1MK <mkeane(a)<>>
Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)<>>
Subject: [arrl-odv:29774] Re: Messages From "Arrl Message Center" ?????
If we are using only rudimentary filtering in<>, we are headed for a problem. These type emails worry me. Please don't forward them to the rest of the group, which may defeat safeguards - now they're from a trusted source! Please don't click on anything you're not certain that is legitimate, ever!
Phishing and "spear-phishing" (targeted email phishing) is one of the highest risk and most successful (for the bad guys) method of system penetration. It is a real problem. There have been some very high profile attacks on government agencies that have resulted in data loss and billions of dollars of damage. Outages at the Cities of Baltimore, Atlanta, Riviera Beach and Key Biscayne, Florida, were cause by activation of an internal employee clicking on a malware email. I've had number of FBI briefings on these outages - in each, a demand was made for ransom that was, curiously, just above the limits of the organization's insurance coverage. The FBI also said that the best antivirus will only detect 60% of viruses and penetration attempts at any given moment, so the scans and updates must be frequent and, if possible, continuous and in-line.
From what I see in the message header, HQ probably (hopefully) scans emails when they arrive in-house, perhaps on ARRL workstations. Our emails come from a reflector that may scan for viruses or phishing attempts. Emails that we are getting are also being scanned by our individual email providers. Gmail, for example, as Ria explained, uses an excellent filter, which is why these messages end up in our spam folders.
However, even if you're using GMail as an end client, you're going to want to use something that scans and quarantines emails. I get one for free for my home from my Internet Service Provider and run a security gateway as well as clients on each workstation.
There's been discussion of the league going to Office 365. I have personally participated in three major migrations of Microsoft Exchange and it isn't easy, but there were complexities of scale, uptime and archive requirements that likely don't exist at ARRL.
Microsoft by default does not supply email anti-virus with Office 365, but it is available from them and other providers. These products typically examine inbound emails and filter or quarantines them before sending them on to the email server. The key is to get an easy to manage, easy to install set of tools to manage this "front end" before the email is sent to Office365.
Given all our external-facing systems, I hope that a penetration test is budgeted within IT and these systems are being examined by a security professional periodically.
Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf
On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 10:23 AM Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx(a)<>> wrote:
I checked and my GMail spam folder has 16 of these spoofy emails.
And also includes Barrys email about it!
Mark, HDX
(GMail user since 2007)
On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 7:10 AM rjairam(a)<> <rjairam(a)<>> wrote:
The reason you may have gotten them is because they did pass SPF checks and beyond that, Yahoo is pretty weak with spam filtering.
SPF is Sender Policy Framework where the sending domain has a text record that says that only certain mail servers can send e-mail from that domain. It makes spoofing harder.
Except where SPF passes for some reason. In this case it did.
In the headers it is unclear as to whether or not PObox, our spam filtering service failed OR if the sender used a hijacked or rented email server.
If it’s the former we should remedy this, but if it’s the latter there is nothing we can do.
No spam filter is 100% effective but Google uses AI and ML (machine learning) with its neural network which is why it filters out nearly all spam.
When in doubt, delete, hover over links and if it looks suspicious it probably is.
Ria, N2RJ
(GMail user since 2004)
On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 9:22 PM Richard Norton via arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)<>> wrote:
Today I received seven messages, sent to n6aa(a)<> , advising me that I have some number of "pending messages from your organization." Although the messages appear to come from something called "Arrl Message Center," they come from an address in Japan.
The messages have a link that says "Review Messages to release or block them."
I have not clicked on that link as this looks suspiciously like a scam that might infect my computer.
Have any of the rest of you received them? Has anyone clicked on the link? Anything happen?
Dick, N6AA
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“Ends and beginnings—there are no such things. There are only middles.” Robert Frost

[arrl-odv:29769] FW: HQ Network Maintenance Window Announcement - Phase 2
by Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) 03 Mar '20
by Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) 03 Mar '20
03 Mar '20
Good Morning.
I realize this notice was posted on the web site, but in case you missed it, we are planning the second phase of the network infrastructure upgrade for tomorrow. Here is the announcement to the staff with the details.
Barry, N1VXY
From: Distefano, Dave, KB1DAD <ddistefano(a)>
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 4:11 PM
To: HQ Staff <hqstaff(a)>
Cc: Keane, Michael, K1MK <mkeane(a)>
Subject: HQ Network Maintenance Window Announcement - Phase 2
All ARRL Managers & IT Staff,
Two weeks ago, we have completed the first step in replacing and upgrading our network infrastructure.
Now we embark on step two. Which is to upgrade our Internet Service bandwidth. To do this we are switching Internet Service Providers which will yield a 10 times increase in bandwidth. This is necessary to support new cloud services needed to complete the transition to Personify and for other outsourced services we are already using like Office 365 email.
This work will be performed on Wednesday, March 4 beginning at 6:00 PM EST. This will necessitate one major interruption to Internet access at 225 Main Street. We currently anticipate this interruption to last no more than four hours.
All internet access to 225 Main street will be out during that time. Outbound access should be re-established in a short time. The rest of the services will take longer to again be reachable from the Internet. They include:
* Logbook of the World
* Online DXCC
* International Grid Chase Archive
* National Parks on the Air Archive
* Centennial QSO Party Archive
* W1AW Echolink Conference Server
* VPN Access to HQ
Since the company email servers are now located at Microsoft, these will remain on-line so anyone sending email to us will never see an interruption. Anyone using cell phones to access email will still be able send and receive over cellular as will anyone working from home.
The<> website will remain operational throughout this period, as will the contest web sites and advertising servers.
All systems and network storage within ARRL will remain un-affected.
Please make any necessary notifications and plans prior to this service interruption.
Please contact me with any questions.
Dave Distefano, KB1DAD
IT Infrastructure & Operations Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(r)
225 Main Street
Newington CT 06111-1400
Telephone: 860-594-0276
Fax: 860-594-0300

02 Mar '20
Hi all:
I have put more Vice Directors on committees and assigned work to Vice Directors more than any other President. I have for years, even before I was President, made a conscious effort to engage Vice Directors on assignments, so I don't want anyone to jump my rear for what I am about to say.
1.) We need A&F to look at costs. Remember, our budget doesn't look that healthy this year. I suspect it will cost more than the numbers mentioned already.
2.) Effectiveness of committees needs to be considered. You folks who are committee chairs, and those who have been in the past, know the problems when you increase the audience. It can be a problem in running an effective meeting, even with mere observers. I still remember the "old rule" that was followed until recent years that if you were not on the committee, you did not talk. Period. I've actually seen more than one Director, who was not on the committee, be asked to leave by the Director who chaired the committee for this reason. They kept interjecting themselves into the committee's work to the point it was counterproductive to the meeting. Let the committee do it's work was the message. We've gotten away from that rule, but I have seen this problem numerous times, even recently. Just something to consider. Observing is fine but some observers just have to interject themselves, and you know what I mean.
3.) Meeting space is a problem. I agree about the space at W1AW. Some don't even want to go over to the PSC meeting for that reason and A&F gets the overflow to the point A&F is packed already at times and you have people going in and out.
4.) I understand the benefits. No need for comments on that.
73Rick - K5UR
-----Original Message-----
From: Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley(a)>
To: Mike Raisbeck <vze18vwgu(a)>; arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)>
Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2020 11:30 am
Subject: [arrl-odv:29752] Re: Vice Directors at Thursday committee meetings ??
#yiv3707679204 #yiv3707679204 -- _filtered {} _filtered {} #yiv3707679204 #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204MsoNormal, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204MsoNormal, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204MsoNormal {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 a:link, #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;} #yiv3707679204 a:visited, #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal0, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal0, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal0 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal0, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal0, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal0 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msochpdefault, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msochpdefault, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msochpdefault {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204msohyperlink {} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204msohyperlinkfollowed {} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204emailstyle18 {} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal1, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal1, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal1 {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal2, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal2, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal2 {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204msohyperlink1 {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204msohyperlinkfollowed1 {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal01, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal01, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal01 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msonormal02, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msonormal02, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msonormal02 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204emailstyle181 {font-family:sans-serif;color:windowtext;} #yiv3707679204 p.yiv3707679204msochpdefault1, #yiv3707679204 li.yiv3707679204msochpdefault1, #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204msochpdefault1 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;} #yiv3707679204 span.yiv3707679204EmailStyle33 {font-family:sans-serif;color:windowtext;} #yiv3707679204 .yiv3707679204MsoChpDefault {font-family:sans-serif;} _filtered {} #yiv3707679204 div.yiv3707679204WordSection1 {} #yiv3707679204 Mike: I think we can agree to disagree on this one as it’s my opinion that having enough seats and accommodating everyone comfortably for a well-run meeting, are two separate matters. And I’ve always found the meeting room over W1AW to be uncomfortable no matter how many people were in it. I’m not going to opine on the merits of having Vice Directors attend as observers at Committee meetings. I see that as a lose-lose proposition.😊 But whatever the Board (or the President) decides, I would suggest that it is a staff function to make the appropriate arrangements. 73, Barry, N1VXY From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces(a)> On Behalf Of Mike Raisbeck via arrl-odv
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2020 12:14 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)>
Subject: [arrl-odv:29751] Re: Vice Directors at Thursday committee meetings ?? Hi Diane, I would disagree with you on the space. Perhaps partly for the reason you suggest, there must have been 10 VD's attending this January, and there was still space for a few more chairs in both meeting venues. And we aren't talking 15 additional people. Typically there 2 already on the committees. I and several other VD's are almost always there. I think the change in number of people would be perhaps 5 or 6. 73, Mike K1TWF Mike Raisbeck
k1twf(a) -----Original Message-----
From: Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <dmiddleton(a)>
To: Mike Raisbeck <vze18vwgu(a)>; arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)>
Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2020 11:53 am
Subject: [arrl-odv:29748] Re: Vice Directors at Thursday committee meetings ?? Mike, There is at least one more cost factor to consider and that is the committee meetings could no longer be held at HQ. Our two meeting space cannot accommodate an additional 15 people. We therefore would need to obtain additional space at the hotel along with a lunch provided by the hotel. I would be happy to look into the pricing for this if the A&F committee would like to discuss it at their meeting in April. I would also like to point out that there was an unusually large number of Vice Directors in Newington this past January due to orientation and the request for others to attend the harassment training. 73, Diane Middleton, W2DLM Chief Financial Officer ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594-0225 From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces(a)>On Behalf Of Mike Raisbeck via arrl-odv
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2020 11:43 AM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv(a)>
Subject: [arrl-odv:29746] Vice Directors at Thursday committee meetings ?? Folks, I just got the A&F Committee minutes from January. I haven't digested them yet, but I couldn't help but notice that there were 5 Vice Directors listed as being in attendance. I spent some time Thursday afternoon at the PS meeting, and there were several Vice Directors there as well. You all know that I have a soft spot in my heart for Vice Directors. In the past it has been the practice that Vice Directors didn't get reimbursed for Thursday expenses, which in most cases would entail one more night of hotel expense plus Wednesday dinner (sumptuous Thursday munchies are already supplied.) But clearly the Vice Directors are participating in a very real way at these Thursday committee meetings. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge this and pick up the tab for Wednesday night for Vice Directors. Is this something that can by declaration, or does it need a motion? Rick, I think you could do this by decree. What do folks think. Figure the cost as $150 * 13 (with a VD on A&F and a VD on PS we are typically already paying for 2 of them), or $1950. 73, Mike K1TWF Mike Raisbeck
k1twf(a) _______________________________________________
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