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Vol. 35, No. 25
June 20, 2012 -- Covers the period June 10-16.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Administration & Finance Committee
July 19 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
July 19 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Second Board Meeting
July 20-21, 2012 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
With Field Day fast approaching, a significant amount of time is being spent answering member queries and providing Field Day support. Over 1300 Field Day sites are listed in the on-line locator. We are working with Bruce Horn, WA7BNM to automate the list of Logs Received via the on-line Field Day Summary Sheet, also provided by Bruce. (Thanks Bruce!!!)
There is a change of command happening at the Cape Cod AFS PAVE PAWS radar site and the RIB manager will visit on Tuesday June 19 to meet the new commanding officer. While setting up that meeting, we had a productive conversation with Dave Pooley, our contact at Air Force Space Command at Peterson AFB, CO. In relation to the ongoing interference mitigation projects at Beale AFB and Cape Cod AFS, things are at a relative status quo. The Cape Cod radar is scheduled for upgrade to the same UEWR system now operational at Beale. As part of that upgrade, tests to establish baseline data for comparison will be conducted in the near future.
Pooley also brought up a project called AirMOSS, which is an SAR mapping program being conducted by the Jet Propulsion Labs at NASA, and will at times affect certain parts of the 70-cm Amateur bands. Based on what we know at this time, the AirMOSS system deploys seasonally - about 4 times a year. It appears that it deploys in nine-small sites, not on a wide scale regional deployment. Six of the sites are in the US (portions of, Maine/Massachusetts, Oregon, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Arizona and California). The remaining sites are in Mexico, Costa Rica, and the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The project is part of a global carbon emission study. From a broad perspective, its impact to amateur operations should be minimal.
We have been in discussions with Myles Landstein, N2EHG, over an antenna zoning issue in upstate New York. ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, believes there are significant issues in this situation that could potentially help in other antenna cases. We have provided initial information to Landstein and have urged him to secure appropriate counsel. Once that occurs, we will work with his attorney as appropriate.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
The 2011 Annual Report was published to the website and the paper copies are expected from the printer later this week. Thanks to the Graphics Department for again being so helpful and working with me on it. Cliff Segar, KD4GT, has once again arranged for a free 10x20' billboard on I-40 in TN and we have provided the graphic to CBS Outdoors for it. Field Day preparations are in full swing with daily "to-do" lists and media release info going out while state and local proclamations come in. Media hits seem to be running about even with last year, which was a very good year. We have several spotting reports of the audio PSAs being broadcast. The national wire release is planned for Wednesday morning, June 20.
Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD
Spectrum Defense Matters will hit the mail this week to 45,000 donors to bring in funds towards Spectrum Defense. A second reminder email regarding Education & Technology Fund will be sent this week to 1,160 members who have supported this fund in the past. Mary Hobart is beginning to draft and design a webpage under Development for the Second Century Campaign.
To Date:
The W1AW Endowment Campaign has received $50,638 in contributions from 828 donors - 66% of goal.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has received $69,385 in contributions from 333 donors.
The Diamond Club has received $102,825 in contributions from 582 donors.
The Education & Technology Program has received $43,529 in contributions from 431 donors - 67% of goal. An additional $109,194 from six donors has been received in support of the Teachers Institute Program.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The July-August issue of NCJ has been released to the printer.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the June 14 ARRL Letter and voiced Audio News.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
During the week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 988 packages for publication and product orders, 726 membership signing premiums, plus QST mailing supplements.
An ad was completed to help promote the 2012 ARRL National Convention in August, September and October QST.
As planned, the email notification to inform members of the availability of the digital edition of July QST was sent on Friday morning (June 15). The list included email addresses for over 117,000 members. The notification immediately increased phone calls--mostly from members requiring assistance with ARRL website login and passwords. This too was expected, and should (like last month) decrease with each passing day.
We are happy to welcome Jill Burnham of East Hampton to the ARRL staff. She accepted a position opening in the Member Service/Fulfillment group. Jill most recently worked at the Hart School Community Division supporting administrative and customer service activities.
Michael Scharr has accepted a promotion to Senior Warehouse Assistant. Michael will have some new duties to help back-up supervisor Steve Capodicasa, and he will serve as the processing lead for orders requiring a higher level of coordination with dealers and shipping carriers.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chris Stallkamp, WØADZ, of Selby, South Dakota, has been appointed as the South Dakota Section Manager as of June 15. Dave Patton, NN1N, made the appointment in consultation with Dakota Division Director Greg Widin, KØGW, and with the recommendation of Scott Rausch, WAØVKC, the out-going Section Manager.
Rausch has served as South Dakota Section Manager since April, 2009. He decided not to run for a new two-year term of office that was scheduled to begin on April 1. After a re-solicitation for nominations this spring did not result in any potential candidates, Stallkamp was then appointed to take the Section Manager reins from Rausch. Stallkamp's appointment extends until March 31, 2014.
Leona Adams has been working with the candidates of the two upcoming summertime Section Manager elections to gather information and prepare the election material for the local printer.
Chuck Skolaut prepared the monthly Official Observer summary and forwarded it to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Several more complaints were received regarding the operation on 14.313 MHz, and Laura Smith at the FCC was updated. Jamming that's occurring on a Northern Florida repeater was referred to the OOC. Although not an OO matter, the case of someone pretending to be an air traffic controller in California and causing confusion among pilots was relayed to headquarters through the Official Observer/Amateur Auxiliary system. We forwarded it to the FCC.
Also, an alleged case of a communication system used by a power company in Georgia that's causing interference to some repeaters was reported. It is being addressed by our Lab.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 7/4 Holiday
Leona Adams 6/20 Vacation
`` 7/5-7/6 Vacation
Joe Carcia 6/29 Vacation
`` 7/2-7/6 Vacation
`` 7/13 Vacation
`` 7/20 Vacation
`` 7/27 Vacation
Steve Ewald 7/3 Vacation
Steve Ford 6/13-6/15 Vacation
`` 6/21-6/22 Vacation
Scott Gee 6/21-6/22 Vacation
Mike Gruber 8/27-8/31 Vacation
Dan Henderson 7/2-7/6 Vacation
`` 7/26-7/30 Central States VHF Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA
`` 8/16-8/20 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV
Amy Hurtado 6/15 Vacation
`` 6/20 Vacation
`` 7/9-7/13 Vacation
`` 7/18 Vacation
`` 7/26-7/27 Vacation
Gail Iannone 6//29-7/6 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 6/20-6/25 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany
`` 6/26-6/27 Vacation
`` 7/10-7/17 Vacation
`` 8/17-8/20 Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, Alabama
Joel Kleinman 6/21-6/22
`` 6/26
Harold Kramer 6/19-6/27 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany
Lisa Kustosik 6/20 Vacation
Zack Lau 6/14-6/15 Vacation
`` 6/22 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 6/11-6/15 Vacation
`` 7/23-7/25 Vacation
`` 8/6-8/10 Vacation
Steve Sant Andrea 6/29-7/6 Vacation
Chuck Skolaut 6/19-6/28 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany/Vacation
Dave Sumner 6/20-6/24 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany
`` 6/29-7/2 Vacation