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Vol. 34, No. 38
September 21, 2011 -- Covers the period September 11-17.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Executive Committee
October 1 @ 8:30am - Dulles, VA
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
October 3-7 - ARRL HQ
Section Managers' Workshop
October 21-23 - ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 18 - ARRL HQ
Administration & Finance Committee
November 19 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Thanks to the help of the graphics and advertising staff, the PR-101
course now has an advertisement that can be put into QST. The 2012
budget draft has been submitted and we expect the edits of the D.I.Y.
video to be ready by the end of the month. An initial contact and
conference call was arranged with Marianne Stevenson, President of
Aerobridge, the non-profit organization that coordinates private
aircraft to fly emergency supplies into disaster areas. This went very
well. We are working on matching people's schedules to do a new video
tour of W1AW and sent materials to the US Virgin Islands for a special
presentation to government officials there. Editing of the chapter
about PR in the coming ARES handbook is done and Lyon TV, a British
video company contracted to do a National Geographic Special, requested
and was given information about American Amateur Radio and local ham
contacts for filming in NYC. Aid given to John Amodeo, NN6JA, who works
on the ABC Television show "Last Man Standing", has resulted in several
staff there studying for the Tech exam, and with Maria Somma's help it
appears that they will have a VE session in a week - we're trying to get
pictures of it. Because he offered to promote it on Ham Nation, a
simple quotable script was provided to Gordon West to go with Web
information about the ARRL equipment insurance and the PRC was provided
with a powerpoint presentation for their use in the coming Nov 3rd
Webinar about PR and ARES work.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The November 2011 issue of QST was released to the printer September 20.
Joel Hallas gave a talk on coupled resonator antennas to the Greater
Norwalk (CT) ARC at their regular meeting on September 14. It was well
received and resulted in a lively discussion about antenna choices.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and
voiced ARRL Audio News for September 8, 2011.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Product Review
Bob Allison started testing three mid priced Hand Held Antenna
Analyzers. Lab Volunteer, Martin Ewing, AA6E, assisted with a software
driven analyzer and passed along his data to Bob.
Bob tested a second unit of a low price hand held transceiver. Ed Hare
assisted Bob in determining its radiated spectral characteristics.
A 2 meter linear amplifier was retested for Product Review.
Research of newer test equipment continues. Bob contacted several
vendors inquiring about prices, options and support of various signal
generators, spectrum analyzers, etc., that are used as test instruments
for our Product Review Process.
Radio Frequency Interference
The Bob Thacker, K3GT power line noise case in Pittsburgh area remains
ongoing. The initial 60 days are now up and there may be a follow up
FCC field investigation. As previously reported, the complainant
indicates that the noise has been fixed in all directions but one. This
is where the FCC left off during its investigation in May. The utility
only seems capable of fixing noise after someone else finds it for them.
This case has now gone on for almost ten years since it was first
reported to the ARRL. We were able to find all the sources in all but
one direction in just a few hours.
The Lakeland Power Line Noise case may have finally progressed to a
point where the complainant may be operating less as a result of old age
as opposed to noise. Mr. Flynn turned 90 in August. As previously
reported, Mr. Flynn first brought his complaint to the ARRL in 2003,
almost ten years ago. The noise could have been corrected years ago
with a technically competent field investigation.
Mike Gruber discussed an upcoming EMC Webinar with Committee Chairman
Kermit Carlson, W9XA. A Webinar has not been set up for Thursday,
September 22, 2011.
Mike Gruber referred EMC Committee member Brian Cramer to a case in
Henderson, KY. This case involves a municipal utility.
Mike Gruber has been working with a member in Florida trying to develop
a cure for an RFI problem involving a pulsed DC motor in an HVAC system.
10GHz Contest
Zack W1VT made 16 contacts with 12 different stations this year.
Conditions were a bit down this year, but all the regulars showed up.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Online ordering has been brisk, boosted by interest in the (now
advertised) upcoming new editions of The ARRL Handbook and The ARRL
Antenna Book, and positive response to recent email solicitations.
The warehouse crew fulfilled 826 packages for publication and product
orders, 261 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
US Bank is preparing some direct mail to help promote the ARRL Visa
Credit Card during the holiday season.
Bob Inderbitzen has prepared materials to promote ARRL membership at two
October events in Great Britain: the UK National Hamfest and the RSGB
Convention. He has also been invited to make a presentation at the RSGB
Convention, and he will make a visit to RSGB's administrative
ARRL HQ volunteers giving tours will begin photographing visitors to
help support a Facebook photo album featuring these guests.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch
DXCC application processing time is now approximately two weeks.
Joe created the texts for the October W1AW Qualifying Runs. He also
processed regular QSL card requests. Joe began troubleshooting a
problem with the Alpha 9500 amplifier. He also worked on 2012 W1AW
budget items. And, he made some BPSK31 audio recordings for use at
Maker Faire.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams has been receiving candidate statements from the candidates
and preparing election-related materials for the upcoming Section
Manager elections in Kansas, New Mexico and Tennessee. Steve Ewald
received Field Organization monthly reports from around the country and
prepared them for November QST. Production work on the Public Service
column has also been wrapped up.
Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly Official Observer
Summary to all OOs, OOCs and Section Managers. One radio amateur from
the Orange section completed requirements to become an Official Observer
this past week. Questions handled included repeater control, operating
overseas, antenna restrictions, uncoordinated repeaters and weather net
information used by broadcast stations. A report of unlicensed use of
10 meters by a business was passed on to the section Official Observer
Coordinator. Another report of CODAR operation on 12 meters is being
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Cathy Allison 10/10-10/14 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 9/30 Vacation
Joe Carcia 10/10 Vacation
Mike Corey 9/25 EmComm East, Rochester, NY
Steve Ewald 10/4-10/12 Vacation
Jackie Ferreira 10/20-10/24 Vacation
Scott Gee 9/26-9/30 Vacation
Mike Gruber 9/26-9/30 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/15-9/26 Ten Tec Hamfest, Sevierville,
Mary Hobart 9/21-9/26 Vacation
`` 9/30 Vacation
`` 10/21 Vacation
Amy Hurtado 10/7-10/10 Vacation
Gail Iannone 10/14-10/17 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 9/29-10/10 UK Hamfest & RSGB Convention
`` 10/13-10/17 Pacificon , Santa Clara,
`` 10/24-10/26 Vacation
Sabrina Jackson 9/26 Jury Duty
Joel Kleinman 9/21-9/23 Vacation
`` 9/29 Vacation
Zack Lau 9/26-9/30 Vacation
`` 11/5-11/6 Iowa Section Convention,
Davenport, IA
Kim McNeill 9/26-9/28 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 10/25 Jury Duty
Allyson Riedel 9/29-9/30 Vacation
Steve Sant Andrea 9/26-9/27 Vacation
Dave Sumner 9/16-9/23 Vacation
Larry Wolfgang 9/26 Vacation