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Vol. 34, No. 31
August 3, 2011 -- Covers the period July 24-30.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Executive Committee:
October 1 @ 8:30am - Dulles, VA
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
October 3-7 - ARRL HQ
Section Managers' Workshop
October 21-23 - ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 18 - ARRL HQ
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
It was a short week in the office due to the NCVEC conference in
Gettysburg, but a lot was accomplished.
With the Field Day submission deadline happening during the week, there
was a significant amount of activity working with groups submitting
their entries. By week's end over 2200 entries had been processed via
the web applet. Daily updates of logs received from the applet were
prepared and sent to ARRL Contest Manager Sean, KX9X, to post. We also
provide support daily to Kathy, KA1RWY, who, as always, is adeptly
handling the hard-copy as well as the non-applet electronic submissions.
Manual data entry will begin shortly. The manual data entry process for
Field Day is on pace with previous years. In addition, we began looking
into a duplicate submission problem where two different groups appear to
be claiming use of the same 1x1 callsign. We also worked with Sean on a
problem generating certificates and address labels for the 2010 IARU HF
We worked with Joel Hallas, W1ZR, the ARRL Lab, and ARRL General Counsel
Chris Imlay, W3KD, on a clarification of a recent "The Doctor is In"
item related to how Part 15 rules may affect amateur radio transceivers.
Working with ARRL VC Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, an assessment of a proposed
HOA strategy was provided to a member in Arizona. While it was an
interesting argument, Fred's assessment of the strategy was that it was
not a viable argument. The suggestion was again made to the amateur
that he discuss his strategies with a local AZ attorney before
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Allen has been taking some vacation days, but the August 1 issue of
CONTACT! was published and contains the updated job descriptions for
PIOs and PICs plus announcing the 2011 McGan winner, Angel Santana,
WP3GW. July's collection of media hits were also posted to the web and
an issue with unauthorized use of the ARRL logo on Twitter seems to be
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
Final plans are being made for the meeting of the second Century
Campaign. Documents are being prepared for review during the meeting at
headquarters on August 11. The meeting will take place in the
Conference Room from 8 am until 2 pm.
The Diamond Club continues to climb towards its 2011 goal. As of this
writing, the Diamond Club has topped $179,000 or 64% of its 2011 target.
More stats will follow.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $151,121 or 43% of its 2011 goal.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and
voiced ARRL Audio News for July 28, 2011.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Mike Gruber performed some informal conducted emissions testing on an
ultraviolet light. It is used to kill germs in a septic system and been
causing interference in the Amateur service. The manufacturer has
developed a new version of the light. The emissions from this version
are far less than the unit that the homeowner shipped to us. In
addition, Mike has developed a potential fix if there are still
interference issues from the new light.
The Bob Thacker, K3GT power line noise case in Pittsburgh area remains
ongoing. The FCC has now sent another letter in the matter dated July
8, 2011. This case has now gone on for almost ten years since it was
first reported to the ARRL.
Product Review
Bob Allison completed testing of a modern all band transceiver. A data
table was created and along with data charts, was passed along to the
Product Review Editor.
Bob Allison also continued testing of power meter slugs used in Bird
type instruments and compared the results with our calibrated power
meter test set-up. The results were sent to the manufacturer to assist
in improving his slugs for an upcoming Product Review.
The ARRL has launched several forum areas on its web page. Among the
first are technology forums. Ed Hare created forums for technical
general discussions, technical questions and answers, RFI general
discussions and RFI questions and answers. Over time, additional forums
areas will be added.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
July ended with 156,397 members-400 fewer members than June, and lagging
the year-to-date goal by 180 members. 73% of July 2011 expirees paid on
time (vs. 75% last July). Acquisition was down in July-typical in the
summer months when we choose to conduct less direct mail, though deeper
than predicted. Most of the month's acquisition was attributed to
e-mailings, the ARRL website, mailings to new hams, and lapsed-member
reacquisition (late renewals).
July product sales were $209,168. The month's forecast was $221,483.
Direct sales were $100,795; dealer sales were $108,373. The new edition
of The ARRL General Class License Manual, for exams given on or after
July 1, 2011, contributed $35,352.
A "Happy Birthday" themed postcard is being prepared for a test mailing
to ARRL members. The postcard includes a discount offer, touted as a
member benefit/special, and redeemable in the ARRL e-store during the
member's birthday month. The mailing will be tested from September to
Now Shipping: The ARRL Introduction to Emergency Communication Course
The warehouse crew fulfilled 796 packages for publication and product
orders, 258 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
Plans have been finalized to begin using the Pitney Bowes "International
Mail Service" for shipments leaving the ARRL warehouse, rather than the
comparable service offered by Federal Express (Fedex International Mail
Service). The service will be use for handling international
publication shipments beginning August 1, including QST supplements
mailed to international members. Delivery times are comparable to the
previously utilized service, but with cost savings and greater
tracking/routing information. The service was used on a trial basis
during the past month, during which feedback was solicited from
international customers verifying delivery times and the quality of
delivered goods.
September QST is on-schedule to mail August 2-9.
MetLife, our affinity benefit partner offering group-rate auto and home
insurance to ARRL members, is preparing a mailing for October.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch Credits Applications
2010 Carryover 157,924 1,163
2011 Received 598,519 5,313
Cumulative Total 756,443 6,476
2011 Processed 671,578 5,775
Remaining 84,865 701
Processing Time 5 Weeks
Logbook of the World
July 2011 % Change
Jan - July 2011
QSO Records Entered Into System 357,263,137 10%
QSL Record Matches 42,973,675 16%
Logs Processed 2,294,784 22%
Active Certificates 64,399 11%
Registered Users in System 42,820 12 %
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries July 2011
Maintenance 745
Initial Setup Inquiries 718
Award Related Concerns 319
Customer Usage Issues 486
Phone Calls 214
Total 2,482
Joe processed regular QSL card requests and one Qualifying Run
certificate. He updated the web code practice files. He also updated
the Qualifying Run web schedules for W1AW and the West Coast. Joe also
created the texts for the August W1AW Qualifying Runs. He also
conducted audio/frequency tests on the 20-meter broadcast equipment.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
The Official Observer reflector was initiated and responses were
received from over 270 eligible participants desiring to join it.
Membership in this list is limited to Official Observers, Official
Observer Coordinators, Section Managers, Directors, Vice Directors and
key Headquarters staff members.
Radio Amateurs from New York City-Long Island and Northern Florida
sections successfully completed their requirements this past week to
become Official Observers. Chuck Skolaut fielded questions this week
that covered a range of topics including overseas operating, antenna
restrictions, identification on WSPR, and the Kenwood Sky Command
system. The Illinois OOC is following up on a report of improper
operation on a local repeater, and information was received at HQ
regarding some jamming that is occurring on a 440/2 meter linked system
in California.
Steve Ewald edited articles for the October QST Public Service column
and turned the material over to our Production Department staff.
Section Manager election ballots from Western Washington and Georgia are
still arriving and members in those sections need to have their ballots
arrive at Headquarters by Friday, August 19. The ballots will be
counted on Tuesday, August 23.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 9/5 Holiday
Kathy Allison 9/2-9/9 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 8/18-8/23 Vacation
Hugh Brower 8/15-8/19 Vacation
Joe Carcia 8/5-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/19 Vacation
`` 8/26 Vacation
Steve Ford 8/8-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/18-8/25 West Virginia State Convention,
Weston, WV/Vacation
Scott Gee 8/3 Vacation
`` 9/7-9/9 Vacation
`` 9/26-9/30 Vacation
Mike Gruber 8/20-8/27 Vacation
`` 9/26-9/30 Vacation
Joel Hallas 8/8 Vacation
`` 8/10pm-8/16 Vacation
Ed Hare 8/5-8/7 Midwest Division Convention, Cedar
Rapids, IA
`` 8/14-8/18 IEEE EMC Symposium/Meeting, Long
Beach, CA
`` 8/19-8/26 IEEE Regional Meeting/Vacation,
San Francisco, CA
Dan Henderson 8/5-8/7 Rocky Mountain Division
Convention, Taos, NM
`` 8/29-9/2 Vacation
`` 9/15-9/26 Ten Tec Hamfest, Sevierville,
Bob Inderbitzen 8/8-8/12 Vacation
Debra Johnson 8/1-8/5 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 8/5 Vacation
Greg Kwasowski 8/8-8/12 Vacation
Zack Lau 11/5-11/6 Iowa Section Convention,
Davenport, IA
Monique Levesque 8/8-8/12 Vacation
Bill Moore 8/20-8/21 Alabama State Convention,
Huntsville, AL
Dave Patton 8/25-8/28 JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan
Diane Petrilli 8/5-8/12 Vacation
`` 8/26-9/2 Vacation
Brennan Price 8/5-8/6 Texas State Convention, Austin,
Becky Schoenfeld 8/15-8/20 Vacation
Chuck Skolaut 8/20-8/22 Kansas State Convention, Salina,
Dave Sumner 8/11pm-8/22 IARU Reg.1 Conference/AC
Meeting, South Africa