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Vol. 34, No. 41
October 12, 2011 -- Covers the period October 2-8.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Section Managers' Workshop
October 21-23 - ARRL HQ
Programs & Services Committee
November 12 - ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 18 - ARRL HQ
Administration & Finance Committee
November 19 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ
Technical Relations
Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX
The annual United States Telecommunication Training Institute Amateur
Radio Administration Course was held at ARRL Headquarters October 3-7.
Brennan Price, N4QX, was lead instructor, and Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ,
coordinated ARRL's participation with USTTI, handling the logistical
needs of the students. Four attendees--two from Trinidad & Tobago, one
from Ghana, and one from Uganda, were introduced to Amateur Radio in
both classroom and practical environments. One of the Trinidadian
students, Harrinath Sawh, holds United States license KC2HFO, and
upgraded to General at the end of the course, as the rest of the
students observed an examination session. Thanks are due to Maria
Somma, Perry Green, Dan Henderson, and Amanda Grimaldi, who taught the
unit on Amateur Radio licensing, Bob Allison and Mike Gruber, who taught
the laboratory unit and supervised the students' construction of 40m
receivers, and the VE team of Penny Harts, Chuck Skolaut, and Norm
Fusaro, who gave Sawh his General Class examination.
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
During the week, a targeted e-mailing was prepared to ARRL members in
the Oklahoma section asking for letters to Senator Coburn, asking him to
release his hold on S 191. Thanks to Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF, for
helping get the email request and sample sent. John Chwat reported that
within a couple of hours his office had already received several
responses. We are also working on an issue of the Legislative Update
newsletter, scheduled to be sent in late October.
A question on the legality of amateur radio operators providing
communications services to a movie production company was received from
the Georgia Section Manager and handled. We provided comments on an
antenna zoning permit case in the Dallas TX area. In addition, as part
of the USTTI course, the RIB manager participated with the ARRL VEC in
an overview presentation and discussion of licensing in the US.
Inquiries on reciprocal operating in Ireland and the UK were answered
during the week, along with the usual routine inquiries.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
JOTA materials have been sent out. The editing of The DIY Magic of
Amateur Radio is complete and as of this writing they are just doing
some final color corrections and tweaking the audio. I expect a low
resolution version to arrive this week and the full version next week.
The Graphics Department is working on the packaging and flier. An
initial trial order of "Ask me why I DIY with Ham Radio" buttons arrived
and "teaser samples" have been provided for speakers at the Pacificon
and West Gulf conventions. Over 60 hours of additional video will be
coming and the plan is to edit it in-house as/if time allows to create
short auxiliary pieces on different topics. John Amodeo, NN6JA, held a
VE session for the crew working on "Last Man Standing" (ABC-TV) and got
7 new hams, but so far we know of no show script showing the main Tim
Allen character as being a ham. The PRC will be trying GoToWebinar for
their Oct 19th monthly conference in order to learn the program in
preparation for using it on Nov 3rd at 9pm EST when they host a national
level webinar for SM's, SEC and other EmComm volunteers as well as PIOs.
Howard Price and Mark Kraham, both nationally recognized leaders in news
media will be answering the question "What does the news media want from
hams and how do they want it?" The balance of the hour will be
discussion on how we can most efficiently meet those needs.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The Diamond Terrace continues to grow. There will be 95 additional
bricks to install before Thanksgiving and a new granite bench is being
We are awaiting fulfillment of commitments from two donors to reach the
$10,000 level in lifetime giving and become members of the Maxim
Society: Paul Trouten, W8PI and Steve Goggans, K7LZJ. Peter Naumburg,
K5HAB is Maxim Society member #89.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has realized an infusion of contributions
resulting from the second issue of the Spectrum Defense Matters
newsletter. The fund has now received $181,653 in contributions or 52%
of its 2011 goal. A third issue of the newsletter is expected to mail
in November.
Adjustments have been made to the 2012 Development and Second Century
Campaign budgets.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and
voiced ARRL Audio News for October 6, 2011.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Steve, WV1X and Leona, W1LGA report that effective Wednesday, October 5,
2011, Walt Mayfield, KE5SOO, of Krum, has been appointed the North Texas
Section Manager, to fulfill the present term of office of North Texas
Section Manager, Jay Urish, W5GM, who stepped down for personal reasons.
ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager Dave Patton, NN1N, made
the appointment in consultation with West Gulf Division Director David
Woolweaver, K5RAV. Mayfield has served as the North Texas Section
Emergency Coordinator and is the president of the Denton County Amateur
Radio Association. Mayfield's appointment continues through March 31,
Leona also reports that statements of candidates and ballots were mailed
to members the end of September 2011 for the three upcoming SM elections
in Kansas, New Mexico and Tennessee. Thank you to the mailroom staff.
One Amateur from Indiana completed certification to become an Official
Observer. Alleged continuing intentional interference to a net on 20
meters was reported and information was forwarded to the FCC. A
Tennessee Technical Specialist is checking out a report of an amateur
causing TVI. A report of jamming and bad language on 20 meters was
reported and SCV OOs are checking it out. On-going incidents happening
on another 20 meter frequency was reported and information was forwarded
to the FCC. An update on fishermen using 80 meters near Hawaii was
received. Continuing interference to the Mid Cars net on 7258 was
received, OOs were alerted and information was forwarded to the FCC.
Recordings regarding continuing business use of a repeater in Missouri
was forwarded to the FCC. A shortwave broadcaster on 7175 was reported
and is believed to be Eritrea. Questions received this week involved
operating overseas, antenna restrictions and volunteer counsel, repeater
control and an update was received regarding alleged interference on a
West Pennsylvania repeater. Chuck gave two tours for people visiting
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 11/24-11/25 Holiday
Cathy Allison 10/10-10/14 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 11/10 Vacation
Steve Ewald 10/4-10/12 Vacation
Jackie Ferreira 10/20-10/24 Vacation
Steve Ford 10/13 Vacation
Scott Gee 12/23-12/27 Vacation
Joel Hallas 10/19am Vacation
Dan Henderson 11/22-12/2 ARI HQ Milan, Pescara Hamfair
`` 12/16-1/4 Vacation
Mary Hobart 10/21 Vacation
`` 11/10-11/11 Vacation
Gail Iannone 10/14-10/17 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 10/13-10/17 Pacificon , Santa Clara, CA
`` 10/24-10/26 Vacation
Debra Johnson 10/27-10/30 ARISS Int'l Meeting
Joel Kleinman 10/25 Vacation
Zack Lau 11/5-11/6 Iowa Section Convention,
Davenport, IA
Maryann Macdonald 11/16 Vacation
Bill Moore 10/20 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 10/25 Jury Duty
Allen Pitts 10/14 Vacation
Steve Sant Andrea 10/14 Vacation