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Vol. 34, No. 2
January 12, 2011 -- Covers the period January 2-8.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Programs & Services Committee:
January 20 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ
Administration & Finance Committee
January 20 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ
Annual Board Meeting
January 21-22, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Technical Relations
Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX
Brennan Price continues CPM preparations, and is working with NTIA's
Charles Glass to formulate the United States floor strategy for agenda
item 1.23, a potential secondary allocation to the amateur service in of
about 15 kHz within the range 415-526.5 kHz.
Jon Siverling represented Amateur Radio interests at a Rapporteur Group
on PLT issues in Mainz, Germany, January 13-14.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
A new "Now Hear This" and the start of the January Media Hits listings
has been put on the Web. Information about IBEC's BPL system
interference was sent out using a special email wire service. Leonard
recommendations are in and McGan Award information has been updated and
posted to the Web. The situation in Ohio between a ham and AT&T has
calmed down and the Board report is done. Discussions and plans
continue regarding upcoming video production on advocacy, DIY technology
and an ARRL-BSA MOU signing video.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The application for ARRL's participation in the 2011 Combined Federal
Campaign (CFC) has been submitted to the Office of Personnel Management
in Washington. A decision is expected by May.
Information on the renewed charitable giving provision of the December
Tax Act has been added to the Development section of ARRL web site. It
was also included in the ARRL letter and web news.
Major contributions totaling $46,000 were received from two major donors
by December 31, 2010.
Letters have been sent to Maxim Society donors and Diamond Club director
level donors regarding their preference for a set of personalized bound
volumes of 2010 publications or a CD version.
The first issues of the Spectrum Defense Matters newsletter and the
accompanying solicitation is planned to mail in March.
Development has submitted its report to the Board for the Annual
The ARRL Foundation Annual Meeting will be held by conference call on
January 25, 2011.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The easy to make "Folded Skeleton Sleeve Two Band Dipole" developed by
Joel Hallas successfully continues evaluation at Bob Allison's house.
This antenna operates on 20 and 40 meters in a span of 56 feet and seems
particularly adept at working into Australia from both W1ZR and WB1GCM
on 20.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and
produced ARRL Audio News for January 7, 2011.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
End-of-year operational reports were prepared for publication and
product sales, membership and fulfillment.
As we did last year, we are collaborating with Director Woolweaver on a
club-based membership recruitment drive in the West Gulf Division.
While last year's recruitment totals were small, the effort contributed
to a higher awareness for ARRL membership recruiting among clubs and
field volunteers. We are also collaborating with Director Sarratt on a
targeted membership campaign to expired members in the Southeastern
Division. We are interested in determining if there is a benefit to
using more localized messaging in membership appeals.
A 20,000 piece "test" membership campaign mailed this week. A larger,
50,000 piece membership campaign is being prepared for February mailing.
Diane Petrilli has registered to participate in a "great ideas"
conference, sponsored by the American Society of Association Executives
in March.
Beginning Monday, January 10, we started an experimental telemarketing
campaign to lapsed members. The firm of Graven, Austin & Drake in
Colorado will be conducting this test. This firm specializes in
telemarketing campaigns for non-profit organizations. The purpose of
the campaign is to sign up members who have lapsed within the last 18
months. The campaign should last no more than two weeks. Diane
Petrilli is managing the campaign. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact her directly.
This month begins a test mailing for the third "new ham" mailing. The
mailing includes a membership appeal from Mike Corey focusing on EmComm.
The week began with a 2-day annually-conducted inventory and audit of
the warehouse and lobby. This effort included staff from the
Comptroller and Sales & Marketing Departments. After completing that
work, the warehouse crew fulfilled 452 packages for publication and
product orders, 400 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
Quarterly payment notices for Life Membership pledges were mailed at the
end of December.
Logos are being prepared for ARRL EXPO at 2011 Dayton Hamvention and the
ARRL National Convention in Plano, Texas.
A handful of graphics have been produced for the ARRL Web home page,
including ones for the ARRL VHF Sweepstakes contest, ARRL DX contest,
upcoming Division conventions, and membership.
The ARRL Extra Class License Manual, ninth edition, is being prepared
for re-release with the new practice exam software: ARRL Exam Review on
CD-ROM. The revised edition will be available in late February. This
completes our planning to include the practice exam software with all
ARRL license manuals: Technician, General and Extra Class.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Radio amateurs from Maine and Oregon successfully completed
certification to become Official Observers this first week of the New
The FCC has been advised of a situation where a radio amateur in
Washington State has ignored several previous Official Observer advisory
notices. The radio amateur in question returned the latest notice by
mail back to the originating Official Observer. On another case,
interference to a 75 Meter net has been documented by Official Observers
and this information has been shared with ARRL Headquarters.
Chuck Skolaut notes that good feedback was received as the result of a
Good Operator report being sent to a longtime ham. Questions fielded
were about beacons on the lower HF bands, narrow band repeaters, the
band plan, and how to become a ham. Intruder reports involved an
unidentified pulse type signal on 75 meters and another signal sounding
like a "running engine".
Several Section Managers turned in their remaining 2010 section expense
reports during the first week of January and before the Accounting
Office's announced receipt deadline. Leona Adams (with some assistance
from Steve Ewald) received and checked over these reports before they
were turned over to the Accounting Office for processing.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
Steve Capodicasa 1/24 Vacation
`` 2/11 Vacation
Jackie Ferreira 1/12-1/19 Vacation
Dan Henderson 1/21-1/22 BOD Meeting
Mary Hobart 1/14-1/17 Vacation
`` 1/20-1/22 Committee Meetings/BOD
Khrystyne Keane 1/31-2/1 Vacation
Harold Kramer 1/20-1/22 Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting
Lisa Kustosik 1/21-1/22 BOD Meeting
Maryann Macdonald 2/4 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 1/17-1/18 Vacation
`` 1/21 Vacation
Brennan Price 1/17-1/19 Vacation
`` 1/20-1/22 Committee Meetings/BOD
Barry Shelley 1/20-1/22 Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting
`` 2/4 Vacation
`` 2/18 Vacation
Dave Sumner 1/20-1/22 Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative
Joel Hallas 1/22-1/23 Wheaton Comm. Radio Amateurs
Hamfest, Wheaton, IL
Mike Corey 1/28-1/29 Mississippi State Convention,
Jackson, MS
Bill Moore 2/11-2/12 Southeastern Division
Convention, Orlando, FL
Bob Allison 2/18-2/19 Arizona State Convention, Yuma,
Joel Hallas 2/25-2/26 Vermont State Convention,
Colchester, VT
Harold Kramer 3/5 South Texas Section Convention,
Rosenberg, TX