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Vol. 33, No. 21
May 26, 2010 -- Covers the period May 16-22.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Second Board Meeting: July 16-17, 2010 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
CEO Office
The office will be closed Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day. Have a safe Holiday weekend!
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
During the past several weeks, we have seen numerous requests for information on reciprocal licensing as the summer travel season approaches. We have also seen numerous Field Day information questions as that event draws near. There have been problems with the on-line Field Day station locator on the new website. We have been addressing these individually until the application is running properly.
ARRL was contacted by representatives of the Fremont Insurance Company in Michigan asking for information related to the 2009 Field Day rules. This is apparently related to litigation involving the accidental death of an amateur at a 2009 Field Day site. Working with ARRL General Counsel and the Chief Financial Officer, we ascertained the specific information being requested and will provide same to the insurance company upon receipt of a written request.
We also received a request from the FCC litigator that is handling the license renewal hearing of William Crowell, W6WBJ. They are in the discovery phase of that action and have requested any recording or files of alleged activities in relation to this situation. As instructed by General Counsel, we will provide what information we still have on-hand upon receipt of a written request.
On May 19, I moderated an on-line webinar, hosted by Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR, on "Making The Most of Your Field Day". Many thanks to ARRL Public Relations and Media Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Mike Corey, W5MPC, and unofficial "Field Day historian" Roland Anders, K3RA, for their excellent presentations to the over 200 attendees.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The W1AW Endowment Fund campaign has topped its 2010 goal. Revenues to date total $67,077 from 1089 donors. The target for revenues was set at $65,000.
Contributions received at Hamvention totaled $60,000 including several Diamond Club - Gold gifts, $10,000 for Spectrum Defense and $45,000 for the Teachers Institutes of the Education & Technology Program. Other inquiries and issues from Dayton have been handled.
ARRL has received two small estate gifts totaling $5653 from the Anshus and Maier estates.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter for May 20, 2010.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Mike Grubr sent a total of five ARRL Letters involving RFI issues. In addition to the usual power line noise problems, other cases involved an electric fence, water pump, and a TV set. One case of interest involves grow lights from an indoor gardening operation in California. The neighbor in this case remains uncooperative.
Two letters were sent to the FCC.
Zack and Mike were both out on vacation on the 19th, so Bob Allison lost an entire day of testing having to answer TIS questions.
Steve Ford edited together a few of the video clip Bob Allison shot at the ARRL Expo's kit building exhibition. Steve picked out some good ones, edited them together a placed the finished product on our "Multimedia" web page.
Electronic Publications
There are a few Travelplus installation issues being handled by Al Ambrose of DHS systems.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
By all accounts, ARRL EXPO 2010 at Dayton Hamvention was success! Thanks goes to the big Dayton team...volunteers, officials, and staff...and everyone back at headquarters that helped contribute to the planning. We returned with 1,212 membership applications (1,051 in 2009), including applications from 208 new or 'previous' members, and 8 Life Membership applications. A post-event meeting will be held next week to share reflections and suggestions for future events. The feedback will be particularly helpful as we look forward to 2 upcoming National Conventions; Ham-Com in 2011, and Pacificon in 2012. Here are just a few of the team comments when asked what was "the best thing I observed of ARRL's participation in Dayton."
* People sought us out for answers-there was more than casual interest.
* The kitbuilding.
* the excitement that just throbbed and bounced off the walls. Young people were excited, old people were excited. We had built this up really well, and to see our excitement echoed in our visitors was so cool!
* the configuration of the sales area and the kit building.
Warehouse Supervisor Steve Capodicasa reports that they're seeing an uptick in requests for free handouts and display materials supporting the upcoming ARRL Field Day. During the last 2 weeks, the warehouse crew fulfilled 1,757 packages for publication and product orders, 589 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
New deployment gear is now shipping, supporting Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers. The items meet new standards established for the program earlier this year. The items include reflective vests, available in two styles, and a hat. The back of the vests are imprinted with the words, "AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS." The labeling will help correctly identify volunteers deployed in Amateur Radio public service to other served agencies, volunteers, and the media. In addition to meeting the new ARES standards, the vests conform to national standards for high visibility vests that serve as a first line of defense against dangerous highway traffic. The items are manufactured as ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 Class 2 compliant, a design and performance criteria for vests worn by police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services and other public safety personnel. The uniform ARES garments are available exclusively from ARRL, and are intended to replace all other items used in field deployment by 2013.
ARRL supported volunteers helping represent Amateur Radio at Maker Faire, May 22-23 at the San Mateo County Event Center in California. Like last year, there was a very well coordinated effort among area groups to help represent our service. A variety of visual, interactive and hands-on displays were planned. ARRL contributed display materials, recruitment handouts, and event apparel for this event.
Now Shippinig! Remote Operating for Amateur Radio by Steve Ford, WB8IMY; The ARRL RFI Book, 3rd Edition.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
W1AW welcomes volunteer Mike McKaughan, K1DM. Mike has volunteered to sort (by prefix) all the W1AW QSL card requests which have already been answered. He performs these chores a few days a week and is currently working in the MVP South area.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Mike Corey and Steve Ewald (along with Jeff Beals, WA4AW, and Myra Kitchen, K3PGH) staffed the Emergency Communications booth in the ARRL Expo area at the Dayton HamVention on May 14 -16. Of special note, Steve visited with a dozen Section Managers who were in attendance at Dayton. Several SMs were among the volunteers who worked at the ARRL Expo during the event. Thanks to all!
On Tuesday, May 18, Illinois Section Manager election ballots were counted, and Tom Ciciora, KA9QPN, was declared re-elected. His new term of office begins July 1. Thanks to Leona Adams, Gail Iannone, Steve Ewald, and Norm Fusaro, for helping with the ballot counting.
The following incumbent ARRL Section Managers did not face opposition and were declared elected for their next terms of office beginning July 1: John Poindexter, W3ML, Indiana; Bill Woodhead, N1KAT, Maine; Paul Eakin, KJ4G, Northern Florida; Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ, Oregon; Paul Gayet, AA1SU, Vermont; Don Michalski, W9IXG, Wisconsin. There were no nominations received for the next term of office of Section Manager in the Santa Clara Valley Section. Nominations will be re-solicited this summer (starting with July QST) for an 18-month term of office starting in January 2011.
Leona received and acknowledged a petition nominating Kevin O'Dell, NØIRW to run for Section Manager of Oklahoma for the next term of office. The deadline to receive nominations for this next term (starting in October) is June 4.
Chuck Skolaut compiled the ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report forwarded it to the IARU Region 2 monitoring coordinator. As posted on our Web site, the major accomplishment of the Region 1 monitors in April was the timely resolution of Radio Kuwait moving out of the 40 meter band. We received the May edition of the IARU E-Letter from Rod Stafford, W6ROD, and it was forwarded to our team of volunteer monitors. New Official Observers have come on board from Arizona, South Carolina, Ohio and the Orange section in California. Subjects dealt with this past week included foreign broadcasters on 40 meters, US fishermen heard on the CW portion of 40 meters, and interference from high-powered CB operators.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 5/31 Holiday
All Staff 7/5 Holiday
Leona Adams 6/4pm Vacation
`` 6/18 Vacation
Bob Allison 5/28 Vacation
`` 6/11-6/13 Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, TN
`` 7/6-7/9 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 5/31-6/8 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/28 Vacation
`` 6/18 Vacation
`` 7/2-7/9 Vacation
`` 7/16 Vacation
`` 7/23 Vacation
`` 7/30 Vacation
`` 8/9 Vacation
Jackie Cornell 6/3-6/14 Vacation
Steve Ford 5/28 Vacation
`` 6/14-6/16 AMP Publishing Conference, Washington, DC
`` 6/25 Vacation
`` 7/6-7/9 Vacation
Scott Gee 8/30-8/31 Vacation
Mike Gruber 5/25-5/28 Vacation
`` 6/1-6/4 Vacation
`` 6/19-6/26 Vacation
`` 8/23-8/27 Vacation
Ed Hare 6/4-6/6 Northwestern Division Convention, Seaside, OR
Dan Henderson 5/27-6/2 Vacation
`` 6/22-7/5 Friedrichshafen/Vacation
Mary Hobart 6/10-6/13 HamCom, Dallas, TX
Bob Inderbitzen 6/9-6/12 West Gulf Division Convention, Plano TX
`` 6/22-6/30 Friedrichshafen, Germany / Vacation
`` 8/23-8/27 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 5/25-5/28 Vacation
`` 6/14-6/16 AMP Publishing Conference, Washington, DC
Harold Kramer 5/27-5/28 Vacation
Lisa Kustosik 5/28pm Vacation
Sean Kutzko 5/28-5/30 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Casper, WY
Zack Lau 6/17-6/21 Vacation
`` 7/12-7/23 Vacation
Dave Patton 8/6-8/7 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
Diane Petrilli 5/27-6/4 Vacation
`` 8/23-8/27 Vacation
Allen Pitts 5/24-5/28 Vacation
Brennan Price 5/8-5/21 ITU-R Working Party 5A&5B, Geneva
Dave Sumner 6/23-6/28 Friedrichshafen, Germany
`` 6/29-7/13 Vacation
Sharon Taratula 5/27 Vacation