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Vol. 32, No. 35
September 2, 2009 -- Covers the period August 23-29.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Section Manager Workshop
September 25-27 - ARRL HQ
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
October 12-16 - ARRL HQ
Executive Committee Meeting
October 24 @ 9:00am in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
During the week, we spoke with FCC Special Counsel Laura Smith on the status of several on-the-air operating complaints. She continues to be straightforward with her dealings with both ARRL staff and amateur operators in general. In addition, the FCC has been looking at how the FCC responds to reports of licensees with criminal records. At this time, they continue to make determinations on a case-by-case basis.
We continue to receive numerous queries and comments related to the pecuniary / appropriate use of amateur radio. They run the gamut from strong support for curtailing the extent of amateur involvement to strong support of an "anything goes" attitude. We continue to get numerous questions about the latest operations of K1MAN. The FCC is currently actively looking at K1MAN's most recent operations.
We addressed a query from the New York State Emergency Management Office regarding some ALE operations and protocols. We also were in communication with the Public Information Coordinator from Nebraska and their efforts to get a state PRB-1 law introduced and passed.
Rounding out the week, with the posting of the 2009 Field Day logs received page, we handled about 20 changes/corrections/additions.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
As we approach the end of August, the Diamond Club has raised more than $19,000 during the month, bringing the August results close to the revenue raised during the same month in 2008.
In addition, the Education & Technology Fund grew by $6400, including a second gift from DARA for the Teachers Institutes.
The Spectrum Defense Campaign is expected to mail toward the end of September.
Development will be sending copies of the dramatically revised ARRL Handbook to Maxim Society donors as soon as it is available.
Revised copy for the Development Web pages is nearly complete
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol 28, No 34, for August 28, 2009. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for August 28.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
ARRL ended August with 155,346 members--a net gain of 38 members over July. Membership is up 719 members (goal 2,008) for the calendar year. 72% of August expirees renewed on time.
There were 500 returns from a large 50,000 piece membership campaign in August. The mailing dropped on July 30.
In August we started sending out a third mailing to new licensees. The mailing is sent twice a month so it will take another 60 days before we have a true sense of how the piece is doing.
Product Sales
August product sales were $171,183-falling short of the sales forecast of $211,070. Direct sales were $98,381; dealer sales were $72,802. While we anticipate lower sales during the summer months, the deeper slump may be attributed to members' reaction to the 2010 Handbook promotion. Some members may forgo ordering until closer to the new edition's October 1 debut.
The Warehouse crew fulfilled 613 packages for publication and product orders, and shipped 524 free book membership premiums and QST mailing supplements.
ARRL Conventions
Date Name Division City State ARRL HQ
Sep 11-12 Delta Division DL Mena AR
Sep 12 GL Division Symposium GL Findlay OH
Sep 12-13 Virginia Section RK Virginia Beach VA Dan Henderson
Sep 18-19 W9DXCC CL Elk Grove Village IL Sean Kutzko
Sep 19 Ohio Section GL Reynoldsburg OH
Sep 26 SEDCO V Conference DL Pigeon Forge TN Ward Silver
Sep 26 Mid-AT States VHF Conf. AT Plymouth Meeting PA
Sep 26 Washington State NW Spokane Valley WA Dan Henderson
Oct 3 EMCOMM East AT Rochester NY Harold Kramer
Oct 4 Western New York Section AT West Seneca NY Harold Kramer
Oct 9-11 Pacific Northwest VHF NW Seaside OR Gene Zimmerman
Oct 11 Connecticut State NE Wallingford CT Joel Hallas
Nov 7-8 Georgia Section SE Lawrenceville GA
Nov 14 Alabama State SE Montgomery AL
Nov 14-15 Indiana State CL Fort Wayne IN
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. We created the texts for the September W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and two endorsements. He processed all regular W1AW QSL card requests. He made a quick repair to the transmitter used for 2-meter broadcasts.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of September. He also assisted the DXCC department by processing seven 5Band DXCC, two Honor Roll and four Top of Honor Roll plaque requests.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Plans for the Section Managers' Workshop at HQ (September 25-27) are coming together. Steve Ewald has been touch with the group of SMs who are eligible to attend this meeting, and they are setting their travel itineraries. Dennis Dura and Steve continue to work with Katie Glass on public service and emergency communications content for the new ARRL Web site.
Incumbent Kansas Section Manager Ron Cowan, KBØDTI, has been nominated to run for another term of office. Ron joins two other ARRL members from Kansas that have already been nominated to run for this position. The deadline to receive nominating petitions for this particular SM election cycle is September 4.
Two ARRL members, one from New York City-Long Island and one from Michigan have successfully completed their required written exam this past week to become Official Observers. Thanks to the FCC for prompt follow-up on a report of an unlicensed radio operator using 2 meters in Florida. We have asked the FCC for assistance in locating the source of interference/jamming to a Western Pennsylvania repeater. Headquarters also forwarded information to the FCC regarding a suspected jammer in California. Volunteer monitors from IARU Region 1 have been sharing observation reports and information with the ARRL's volunteer monitors with regard to a pirate station on 14002.1 kHz.
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Reported by Dennis Dura, K2DCD
* Coordinated with National Hurricane Center, WX4NHC, VoIP Hurricane Net and IRESC (for amateur radio support for Hurricane Jimena). At this time, WX4NHC is not planning to activate due to the lack of amateur radio operators in the projected impact area. IRESC is currently in a monitoring mode. Contact with XE2WCH (he has been active with WX4NHC) was established and he reports that lack of amateurs in the area will make information very difficult. The Mexican Emergency net on 7.060 may be active, but will not likely present needed data or any information
* Arrangements for presentation made with organizers of the State of Missouri, Department of Public Safety, Crisis Communications Conference-October 2009.
* Established coordination with Los Angeles Section SEC on amateur radio mission for wildfires. At this time, no ARES missions have been established. Threatened communications infrastructure at Mt. Wilson, if compromised, will change this status.
* Invest 94 currently located about 250 miles east of the windward island remains a low pressure system, but is expected to become more organized at any time. If named, this storm will be Erica. Interests in the Leeward Islands and USVI need to actively monitor this progress
* Continued with editing review of Advanced Emergency Communications Course
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 9/7 Holiday
Kathy Allison 9/25-9/28 Vacation
Bob Allison 9/25-9/29 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 9/25 Vacation
`` 10/2-10-6 Vacation
Steve Capodicasa 9/8-9/14 Vacation
Joe Carcia 10/12-10/20 Vacation
Scott Gee 9/17-9/18 Vacation
`` 10/5-10/6 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/4 Hampden County Radio Assoc. Presentation
`` 9/11-9/13 Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach, VA
`` 9/25-9/29 E. Washington Section Convention, Spokane, WA
Mary Hobart 9/4-9/8 Vacation
`` 9/25 Vacation
`` 10/2 Vacation
Debra Johnson 9/3-9/11 Vacation
Khrystyne Keane 9/25 Vacation
Sean Kutzko 9/18-9/20 W9DXCC Convention, Elk Grove Village, IL
Monique Levesque 9/3-9/8 Vacation
Maryann Macdonald 9/21-9/25 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 9/8-9/11 Vacation
AnnMarie Pinto 9/18 Vacation