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Vol. 31, No. 15
April 9, 2008 -- Covers the period March 30-April 5.
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
The third round of testing at the Beale AFB in connection with PAVE PAWS
is scheduled to take place near the end of April. After they compile
the results we will work with the FCC on the list of any new repeaters
identified. If the DoD holds true to form, we will probably not have
that list until sometime mid to late May.
After discussing the proposal presented by the DoD for allowing the
repeater coordinating group in New England to resume new coordinations,
the NESMC Board has indicated they are not willing to serve as the point
of emergency contact should a newly coordinated repeater be found to
cause interference. Their position simply put is that their job is to
allow repeaters to go on the air, not tell them the users that they need
to resolve a new interference problem. This is disappointing, given the
fact that their policy is that any new coordination is considered trial
for a 60-day period. Based on their position, we will have to work out
a new arrangement to meet the Air Force's desire to have an immediate
point of contact in place in order to quickly and efficiently handle any
new harmful interference which may occur when a new repeater is brought
on line. I will continue to work with Chris Imlay, Dave Sumner and
representatives from the Department of Defense on this procedure,
keeping in mind that footnote US7 does not give the DoD the authority to
approve all new transmitters in the designated area, only those seeking
to operate over the 50W power level. Any agreement worked out will have
to be voluntary on the amateur's side but must also meet the regulations
that the amateur as secondary user bears the responsibility of
eliminating any harmful interference to the primary user.
The Field Day locator continues to be quite popular. As of Friday April
4, a total of 381 groups in 48 states, Puerto Rico and 3 Canadian
provinces/territories have registered. There have been a couple of
cases of Canadian clubs/groups wishing to register but are not
ARRL-affiliates. In these cases they are asked to supply me with the
necessary information and we make the posting for them.
The VC/VCE databases were updates with several new applicants who have
been approved by various directors. Later this year we will be in
contact withal VCs/VCEs listed to verify information, with the goal of
doing a complete update of the databases at least once every two years.
We have begun work on providing some additional items which will be
included in the reprint of the Part 97 booklets we currently sell. The
reprint is scheduled to include materials from the new chapter in the
ARRL Operating Manual on the rules as well as some important short items
on some commonly asked issues, such as repeater control and auxiliary
station operation.
Working with the DLAC from the Southwestern Division, we released a
Grassroots letter request from Chwat and Company for the state of
Arizona. We also began reviewing some generic "form" letters for
posting on the ARRL Web.
Correspondence and phone calls during the week centered around
clarifying a repeater control query from Virginia, a proposed ordinance
in Lewiston, ME and its potential impact of amateurs, as well as the
normal weekly questions and inquiries.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
The Technical Campaign brochures went to the printer, the stickers are
here and the 2008 Talk on a Disk for the campaign has gone to the
duplicators. The website remains to be done and a meeting with Fathom,
Inc. has been set to coordinate its creation. The NAB is this week and
materials have been sent to the folks representing us there. It is
possible that John Kanzius, the ham who is working on the cancer issue,
will be featured on CBS' 60 Minutes this weekend - we're trying to
confirm that, but CBS can change their lineup at any time. Bob
Josuweit, WA3PZO, is getting married on April 19.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The W1AW campaign is in the mail! First returns are expected in about 2
Next up - Education & Technology Program to raise funds for stations in
schools as well as support for our ARRL education al mission.
Development received an update on the Walter Coss estate and expect a
partial distribution shortly.
Diamond Club currently boasts 2045 donors. Net revenues through March
31 are behind 2007 by about $10,000, mostly due to fewer new Diamond
Club donors. Diamond Club renewals are up over 2007 by 51 donors with a
strong average contribution of $143.
A new donor grant commitment of $10,000 came in this week for the
Teachers Institute bringing the 2008 total contributions to $65,000.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The May/June issues of QEX and NCJ have been released to the printer, as
has an update to the DXCC List.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 13,
for April 4, 2008. It went out to 68,430 subscribers. She also voiced
and produced ARRL Audio News for April 4.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Awards Branch
Category Feb. 2008 March 2008 Year-to-Date
WAS Certificates (Manual) 39 30 91
WAS Certificates (LoTW) 17 14 42
A-1 Op Nominations 14 19 49
A-1 Op Certificates 17 13 45
Extra Class Certificates 10 9 24
WAC Certificates 13 9 49
VUCC New / Grids 10 / 770 12 / 1,279 30 / 2,554
VUCC Endorsement / Grids 6 / 347 20 / 1,180 29 / 1,705
Processing Time Current Current Current
DXCC Branch
Category Feb. 2008 March 2008 Year-to-Date
Credits Processed1 69,052 65,646 221,616
Credits Received 43,994 53,439 121,061
Apps. Returned 586 515 1,894
Apps. Received 331 415 968
Apps. Pending 897 839 839
Processing Rate 17,263 16,412 19,500
1 Processed means credits have been fully processed and completed
through return mailing.
Estimate. Example: 839 applications @ 120 credits per application =
100,680 credits. As of
April 7, 2008, DXCC is fully processing 18,468 credits per week.
Contest Branch
All logs have been received for the ARRL DX Contest. Paper logs are
currently being entered into the Access database. We are well over
2,500 total logs for each contest.
We have about 40 Sweepstakes mugs left over from the initial order. CW
pins are reasonably stocked, but we have only a handful of SSB pins
2008 ARRL DX Contest pins orders are coming in at a steady pace.
Sean, KX9X will be speaking at the New England Weak Signal convention in
Enfield, CT on Saturday, April 19 at 9 am. His talk will include the
Fred Fish Memorial Award and discussion of the new VHF Rover rules.
Sean will also do VUCC card checking while there.
Logbook of the World
Category Feb. 2008 March 2008
QSO Records Entered Into System 160,761,075 165,436,766
QSL Record Matches 12,256,571 12,843,494
Logs Processed 541,901 569,614
Active Certificates 29,630 30,477
Registered Users in System 19,422 19,995
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries Feb. 2008 March 2008
Lost Certificate 153 177 531
DXCC Status Inquiries 65 90 225
Data Not Shown 42 28 105
No TQ6 File Received from LoTW 14 20 38
Additional Certificate Requests 76 43 201
Cannot Log on to LoTW User Page 28 23 81
Can't Upload Log to LoTW User Page 21 29 68
No TQ5 File Received by LoTW 29 21 98
Incorrect Date Range 54 32 141
Lost Personal Password 12 12 44
User Email Problems 20 42 81
WAS Status Inquiries 30 30 85
Club Inquiries 19 27 69
New Callsign Changes 15 9 34
Cannot Understand Error Messages 5 7 18
Logbook Startup Inquiries 52 43 140
Can't Activate/Load TQ6 Certificate 26 5 46
Logbook Suggestions 4 3 15
QSO Downloaded 0 4 16
Additional Documents Needed 13 22 51
Need Postcard 9 18 30
Directions Not Followed 63 72 166
Duplicate Email Inquiries 40 46 87
Cannot Sign Logs 16 15 33
Other Inquiries 55 57 183
Total Inquiries 861 875 2,588
QSL Branch
Feb. 2008 March 2008 Year-to-Date
Cards Received 43,800 60,750 178,350
Cards Mailed 75,500 0 75,500
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona reports that she has been working with the new Section Managers in
San Diego and Virginia who are beginning to update their field
organization appointments. They are all set up for section news, email,
etc. She has also been updating the database with new appointments,
cancellations and changes. She has been sending out supply packages to
new appointees as well.
Chuck compiled the monthly ARRL Monitoring System report. A 75 meter
monitoring request from the FCC was forwarded to Regional Official
Observers. Documentation from OOs was received regarding a 75 meter
frequency and was forwarded to the FCC as well as several reports of
violations which were relayed as they were occurring. An unidentified
RTTY signal heard on 3872 was likely coming from a military source
possibly from Russia. A report of Chinese music broadcasts interfering
with nearby 60 meter channels was reported in the southeast and is being
investigated. Questions handled this week dealt with Go-kits, power
limits on 440, a request for the Power Squadron MOU, and Sky Command
info. A tour of headquarters was given for a member from Michigan
visiting the area on business.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
We are running to keep up with a high seasonal level of registration
activity in the Continuing Education Program. We are struggling to find
enough mentors for some courses, with some mentors stepping up to accept
additional students.
February March
EmComm (all levels) 91 134
Technician Licensing 54 66
All other courses 29 37
We also continue to receive a steady flow of new instructor
registrations. Many of the class listings we're seeing are in locations
that would suggest they are motivated by interest in emergency
communications, e.g. Red Cross offices, fire stations, hospitals, etc.
The Church of Latter Day Saints is also heavily promoting amateur radio
Progress continues on the development of the General Licensing course
and the Digital Emergency Communications course, both of which will be
offered on CD. We expect to complete the editorial review this week to
ready the courses for some user testing.
Education & Technology Program
Mark Spencer completed construction of all of the activity boards needed
for this year's session of the Teachers Institute. He has been juggling
teacher registrations and other logistical changes involved with the
Teachers Institute opening in Tampa this week. Most of the remaining TI
sections have healthy enrollment except for the Dayton session, which
could use a few more participants to make it viable. Hotel reservations
have been made for the Tucson TI. Mark continues to address requests
for assistance from volunteer instructors at an increasing rate. Lately
there has been a lot of interest in Fox Hunting and the Fox Hunting
controller published on the ETP web section.
The Wings over the Rockies Air & Space Museum in Colorado is sponsoring
special events in May related to space, including visits from
astronauts. ARISS volunteers are setting up an exhibit including a ham
station in an old FAA console. They will make HF and 2 meter QSOs under
the call sign K0WAR, for Wings Amateur Radio. They will transmit audio
from the ISS, SuitSat-1 and ARISS QSOs while tracking the ISS.
A school in Kyoto, Japan, had a QSO on March 26, and the Shanghai Youth
Centre of Science and Technology Education on April 2. Students at
Central Middle School in Parsippany, NJ, have been learning and
practicing on-the-air skills once a week with area hams in preparation
of their mid-April ARISS QSO. ARISS Mentor Barry Cohen, K2JV, said the
kids had a ball while making QSOs via the local repeater, and: "they
didn't want to leave when school was out for the day.
Simulated on-air training sessions were completed by the Houston ARISS
Team on March 13 with Astronaut Sandy Magnus, KE5FYE, and Astronaut
Nicole Stott, KE5GJN.
Web/Software Development
Reported by Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Hugh Brower continues to support staff use of our on-line credit-card
processing system as he puts the final touches on the recurring-billing
option. Hugh has also been spending a fair amount of time on various
member-support items.
Micah Murray added some functionality to the on-line membership
application to support recurring billing options, as well as keeping on
top of Web updates.
Jon Bloom made some requested changes to the on-line course registration
system, the Web/Siebel membership application component and Logbook
(adding St. Barts).
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 5/26 Holiday
Kathy Allison 6/30-7/7 Vacation
Shelly Bloom 4/14-4/18 Vacation
Jon Bloom 4/14-4/19 Vacation
`` 5/12-5/18 Dayton Hamvention,
Dayton, OH
Margie Bourgoin 4/3-4/9 Vacation
Katie Breen 5/1-5/4 Midwest Division Convention,
Sioux City, IA
`` 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention,
Dayton, OH
`` 5/30-5/31 Atlantic Division
Convention, Rochester, NY
`` 7/10-7/14 Rocky Mt. Division
Convention, Bryce Canyon, UT
LouAnn Campanello 4/14-4/18 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/23 Vacation
`` 7/7-7/11 Vacation
`` 7/18 Vacation
`` 7/21 Vacation
Jackie Cornell 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dennis Dura 5/15-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Steve Ford 4/14-4/15 Vacation
`` 5/15-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
`` 5/19-5/20 Vacation
Norm Fusaro 4/9-4/30 Int'l DX, Paestum, Italy & ARI
Fair Pordenone, Italy
`` 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention,
Dayton, OH
Scott Gee 5/15-5/16 Vacation
`` 6/30 Vacation
`` 7/1-7/3 Vacation
Amanda Grimaldi 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Mike Gruber 5/15-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Joel Hallas 4/18 Vacation
`` 5/14-5/19 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Penny Harts 5/2-5/6 South Carolina Convention,
Spartanburg, SC/Vacation
`` 5/15-5/19 Vacation
Mary Hobart 4/23-4/29 International DX Convention,
Visalia, CA
`` 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Amy Hurtado 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Bob Inderbitzen 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Karen Isakson 4/7-4/9 Vacation
`` 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention,
Dayton, OH
Deb Jahnke 5/15-5/19 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Debra Johnson 5/15-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
`` 5/19-5/20 Vacation
`` 6/27-7/6 Vacation
Khrystyne Keane 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Lisa Kustosik 5/2-5/6 Vacation
Sean Kutzko 5/12-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Zack Lau 4/11 Vacation
Rose-Ann Lawrence 5/14-5/21 Vacation
Maryann Macdonald 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dave Patton 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Frankie Perez 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Allen Pitts 5/15-5/19 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Maria Somma 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dave Sumner 5/5-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Larry Wolfgang 5/15-5/18 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH