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Vol. 31, No. 5
January 30, 2008 -- Covers the period January 20-26.
Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
CEO staff is working on wrapping-up another successful and smooth-functioning Board meeting. I would like to thank Maryann Macdonald, Maty Weinberg and Margie Bourgoin for helping with all the photo copying that need to be completed, and to Kim Rochette and Trevor Morris for helping me box and ship all the materials that where needed in Houston.
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
During the week we worked closely with Riley Hollingsworth on his notification of seventy-five newly identified repeaters affecting the Beale AFB PAVE PAWS site. In addition we also worked closely with Chris Imlay, W3KD, on a letter to Fred Moorefield of the Air Force Spectrum Management Agency expressing our concerns over the turn that this project has taken. Later in the week Chris and I were able to teleconference with Moorefield, who expressed his understanding of the ARRL's position in this and will look into the matter.
During the week we also authored an update web story on the newest PAVE PAWS developments. After the story went live on Thursday, a significant number of phone and email queries were handled. Finally, we finished editing follow-up letters that will be sent to repeater owners detailing the PAVE PAWS efforts to date, along with specific mitigation information that could be useful to them. The new strategy of having the FCC through Riley making the initial contact seems to have worked well so far, and he reports that he is getting good cooperation from those he is contacting. A detailed status report on PAVE PAWS is slated to appear in the April issue of QST.
The Massachusetts State House of Representatives passed a hands-free telephone bill, which through the efforts of several MA amateurs includes a specific exemption for amateur radio. The bill now proceeds to their Senate for consideration. We also became aware of the PRB-1 bill being re-introduced into the Maryland State Assembly as well as monitoring several sources for state-level legislation. We also handled a usual number of general inquires related to reciprocal operating, and other topics.
Field Day also has taken a front burner this week as we are busy preparing the 2008 Field Day Packet, with a target date of February 1 for posting the updated rules, forms, FAQs, etc as a PDF on the web. Finally we continue to assist the Contest Branch as they work through their first time through various projects and tasks.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
The 2008 Swiss Army Knife for PIO's is at the duplicators. The Feb issue of CONTACT! will come out late this week. Joint departmental discussions were held regarding recruitment of 30k new hams, Pave Paws issues and Field Day. Arrangements are being made for presentation of the Leonard Award to Alyssa Ivanson, weekend Anchor/Health Reporter at WANE-TV in Ft. Wayne, IN. Departments are being asked for text to go into the 2007 annual Report. Efforts continue to acquire material - and permissions to use it - in creating a promotion of the technical side of the Service.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
Development staff are working on several projects, including 2007 statements to installment donors, the 2007 donor listing for the ARRL Annual Report, and the 2008 Loyalty letters and certificates for members of years or more.
A new insert for the planned giving and the ARRL Legacy Circle is being designed. The new inserts will no long include information about the IRA provisions of the Pension Protection Act that expired December 31, 2007.
Preliminary conversations with donors regarding ARRL 2014, the campaign for the second century, will take place around the Orlando Hamcation in February.
ARRL Foundation Scholarship applications are coming in and being processed for the 2008 awards.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
A new title, ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook, by Steve Ford, and the 4th edition of The Instructor's Manual have been released to the printer.
Joel Hallas presented a well-received Brown Bag Seminar for HQ staff January 24 on "Choosing Your First HF Antenna." Joel reports that the final phase of Homebrew Challenge QRP transceiver evaluation is underway in the refurbished W1HQ. The winner will be announced in an upcoming issue of QST. (The HBC was announced in the August and October 2006 issues.) In addition, Joel has prepared the technical articles for the April 2008 issue of QST.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 3, for January 25, 2008. It went out to 66,849 subscribers. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for January 25.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Membership Update
Overall, membership is on track for the month with the expectation of meeting our January goal. A mid-week email solicitation to lapsed members has already returned 171 membership sign-ups. A test membership piece is being developed that will be mailed to 20,000 former and 'never' members.
Sales Update
Direct and dealer sales have topped $235k through Jan 25. We're closing-in on the month's forecast of $259k.
The recent TravelPlus for Repeaters software upgrade mailing has now returned 168 orders.
The Warehouse crew fulfilled 957 packages for publication and product orders, shipped 367 free book membership premiums, and sent QST mailing supplements for January and February issues.
The 2007 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM will ship to 924 international members this week. These are members that opted for the annual CD, instead of monthly delivery of QST. The mailing includes a ride-along promotion for the e-store.
Amy, Katie and Bob participated with other department representatives at the first working group meeting with Fathom-the company managing the feasibility study for the web site redesign.
On Monday, an email solicitation for QEX and NCJ was sent to members. It helped generate a few hundred new QEX subscriptions during the week, and a couple dozen new NCJ subscriptions.
New QEX and NCJ renewal forms are being introduced this week. The forms include more personalization and reflect the new pricing structure for international subscribers.
Jackie is assisting Amateur Electronic Supply with ARRL publication updates for their upcoming Spring/Summer catalog.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Contest Branch
2007 ARRL DX Certificates are going out the door, thanks to the volunteer envelope stuffers Chuck KØBOG, Gail Iannone, and Grant Warner AA1T. I am grateful for all their help.
Incoming E-mail logs for recent events:
Contest Deadline Email Logs
RTTY Roundup Feb 5 1,177
January VHF Feb 20 379
EME Contest data has been forwarded to Jeremy W7EME, who is doing the write-up for QST.
Glenn K6NA has joined our volunteer data entry team for Sweepstakes Phone. Glenn, along with Larry K5OT and Bob N6TV, have been manually converting Sweepstakes paper logs to electronic logs, which allows them to be sent through the contest robot, which makes things easier for our log-checkers.
All CW paper logs have been processed and the SSB paper logs were mailed to our data-entry volunteers this week.
Sean KX9X has been invited to speak at the Yankee Clipper Contest Club meeting, taking place at ARRL HQ on Saturday, February 9.
Joe wrote a draft proposal detailing the use of W1AW's D-Star equipment (and W1AW callsign) by the Southington Amateur Radio Association (SARA). The plan is to eventually have SARA sponsor and operate the W1AW D-Star system on at least two bands (2m/70cm). He investigated new equipment purchases (under the W1AW Capital plan) for the broadcast equipment. Joe has also been in contact with CL&P concerning a long-standing line noise problem at W1AW. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the first part of the month of February.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
After learning that two new Field Organization positions were authorized at the Annual Board Meeting, Steve Ewald and Dennis Dura coordinated with Web Development and Information Services so that Section Managers are now able make Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators and Assistant District Emergency Coordinators appointments via their on-line form. The main data base at HQ is now able to accept these new appointments, too. Web page references and other resources about the new appointments and the Field Organization will also be updated.
Section Managers heard from Leona Adams this past week when she sent each SM an updated copy of the Field Organization appointment roster. The SMs will be able to conveniently review their rosters and provide any necessary updates or changes. Information and supply packages are also going out to new appointees.
Radio amateurs from Oregon and Colorado have completed certification for becoming Official Observers this past week. Chuck Skolaut forwarded documentation to the FCC in response to an earlier monitoring request of a 40 meter frequency. More information regarding the beacon on 10106.37 kHz was received, and Official Observers and Intruder Watch monitors are assisting with this investigation.
A report of a possible bootlegger on 2 meters in Eastern Pennsylvania was promptly checked out by the Section Manager. The alert was caused by a mistaken call sign. As it turns out, the holder of a nearly identical call was discovered from the area. Also, unlicensed fishermen using 20 meters off the Florida coast were reported and regional OOs were alerted to monitor.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
Leona Adams 2/22 Vacation
Katie Breen 2/7-2/8 North Florida Section Convention, Orlando, FL
Joe Carcia 5/23 Vacation
Steve Ford 2/18-2/22 Vacation
Norm Fusaro 1/31-2/3 Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, MS / Vacation
Scott Gee 2/14-2/15 Vacation
`` 5/15-5/16 Vacation
`` 6/30 Vacation
Mary Hobart 2/8-2/11 Hamcation, Orlando, FL
`` 2/15 Vacation
`` 2/24-3/9 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 3/27-3/28 AES Superfest / Milwaukee, WI
Khrystyne Keane 2/15pm Vacation
`` 2/29pm Vacation
Dave Sumner 2/8-2/13 Vacation
Perry Williams 2/6-2/8 Vacation