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DX Advisory Committee Semi-Annual Report
June 30, 2007
To the American Radio Relay League
Board of Directors
Submitted by
Bob Allphin, K4UEE
Chairman, DX Advisory Committee
Southeastern Division Representative
The first six months of 2007 have been very productive from a Dxers point of view. Despite propagation conditions that are at or near the bottom of the sunspot cycle, numerous DXpeditions have taken place. Several DXpeditions to Top Ten DXCC entities resulted in very large QSO totals. This proves once again that Dxing is possible throughout the sunspot cycle
.the QSOs are just made on different bands. The high bands are productive during good sunspot conditions and the low bands are productive during poor sunspot conditions. A summary of the major DXpeditions is included below.
The DXAC has had informal discussions about two issues that seem to be of concern to the DX community. However, we have not been formally tasked with any studies or requests for recommendations.
DXpeditions completed to top ten entities
January, 2007
VU7RG, Lakshadweep Islands was activated by a multi-national team located on four different islands. In a two week operation, from the #2 most needed entity, 110,000 QSOs were made. The mostly North American team located on Agatti Island (of which the author was a team member) was extremely successful making North American QSOs, including thousands of contacts on the Low Bands. The VU7RG DXpedition was awarded the coveted DXpedition of the Year award at the Dayton Hamvention in May, 2007.
April, 2007
N8S, Swains Island was activated for the 2nd time since becoming a new DXCC entity last year. The first operation was a short, token operation conducted by JA1BK and a small team last year, so for all practical purposes, Swains Island was the #1 most needed DXCC entity. A multi-national team, led by YT1AD, made 117,000 QSOs over a two-week period.
April-May, 2007
BS7H, Scarborough Reef, #1 on most DXCC wanted lists, was activated by a multi-national team led by Bob, W6RGG and James, 9V1YC. The political and logistical obstacles to activate the rocks took 5 years to overcome. The operation made 46,000 QSOs over a one-week period.
Issues/Concerns/feedback in the DX community
There are two issues that the committee members are hearing about from DXers in their respective Divisions. The first has to do with Operating practices, specifically malicious interference, especially during DXpeditions, and the use of obscene language. The DXAC has discussed these issues on their Internet reflector and many thoughtful, well-reasoned comments were aired. The bottom line is that self-policing is the probably the best answer, along with peer pressure applied to those offenders that can be identified. If requested, the DXAC would be pleased to offer some ideas to the ARRL.
The second issue has to do with the use of remote stations to make DX QSOs. In the highly competitive world of Dxing, DXCC and the DXCC Challenge, some participants are crying foul. Currently, the practice does not violate any DXCC rules, although it certainly is considered by most to be unsportsmanlike!
The DXAC will continue to solicit feedback from the DX community on current DX issues and pass those opinions on to ARRL staff. We remain ready to discuss and make recommendations on any matter or issue referred to the DXAC.
Other comments
Many favorable comments regarding the LOTW and on-site DXCC card checking have been received.
Jim OConnell, W9WU former DXAC Chairman, has agreed to be Vice Chairman for the current DXAC year 2007. I aggressively sought volunteers and only Jim came forward.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Allphin, K4UEE
Chairman, DX Advisory Committee
Southeastern Division Representative
June 30, 2007
Southeastern Bob Allphin, K4UEE (P) 770-953-3828
4235 Blackland Drive, Marietta, GA 30067 Email: mallphin(a)aol.com
Atlantic Chris Shalvoy, K2CS (H) 585-586-6531
512 Beechwood Drive, East Rochester, NY 14445-2036 (W) 585-235-8815 x131
Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:cshalvoy@worldnet.att.net" cshalvoy(a)worldnet.att.net
Central - Jim OConnell, W9WU (H) 708-482-7373
512 West Elm Ave., La Grange, IL 60525 Fax: 708-401-0077
Email: HYPERLINK mailto:w9wu@arrl.net w9wu(a)arrl.net
Dakota Patrick Cain, K0PC Email: k0pc(a)arrl.net
8608 Drake Court, Chanhassen, MN 55317-8700
Delta Paul Wynne, AF5M (H) 501-988-5990
8611 Yellow Oak Drive, Jacksonville, AR 72076 Email: af5m(a)cebridge.net
Great Lakes Kirk E. Swallow, W8QID (P) 513-729-1715
3137 Compton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45251-2654 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:w8qid@arrl.net"w8qid(a)arrl.net
Hudson John M. Sawina, NA2R (P) 908-996-6274
61 Gallmeier Road, Frenchtown, NJ 08825-3719 (Cell) 908-625-5622
Email: na2r(a)nac.net
Midwest Bill Morgan, K0DEQ (H) 573 364-1011
12012 County Road 3000, Rolla, MO 65401 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:bmorgan@fidnet.com" \o "mailto:bmorgan@fidnet.com" bmorgan(a)fidnet.com
New England Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (P) 401-333-2129
30 Rocky Crest Rd, Cumberland, RI 02864 Email: w1yrc(a)arrl.org
Northwestern - Dick Moen, N7RO (H) 360-734-0858
2935 Plymouth Dr., Bellingham, WA 98225 (W) 360-856-0836, Ext. 44 Email: n7ro(a)arrl.net
Pacific Ken Anderson, K6TA (P) 209-296-5577
Box 853, Pine Grove, CA 95665 Email: k6ta(a)arrl.net
Roanoke Gary Dixon, K4MQG (H) 803-547-7450
1606 Crescent Ridge, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Email: HYPERLINK mailto:gdixon@fmtc.net gdixon(a)fmtc.net
Rocky Mountain Arne Gjerning, N7KA (P) 505-898-3124
P.O. Box 1485, Corrales, NM 87048 Email: n7ka(a)comcast.net
Southwestern Dr. Vince Thompson, K5VT (H) 602-840-2653
3410 N. 4th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85013 (W) 602-241-1944 Email: k5vt(a)aol.com
West Gulf John Warren, NT5C (H) 512-255-6653
3517 Gattis School Road, Round Rock, TX 78664 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:nt5c@texas." nt5c(a)texas.net
RAC John Scott, VE1JS (P) 902-834-2681
General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS B0V 1E0, Canada Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:scotts@tartannet.ns.ca" scotts(a)tartannet.ns.ca
Board Liaison Cliff Ahrens, K0CA (P) 360-256-1716
65 Pioneer Trail, Hannibal, Mo. 63401-2744 Email: k0ca(a)arrl.net
Staff Liaison Dave Patton, NN1N (W) 860-594-0291
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 Fax: 860-594-0259 Email: nn1n(a)arrl.org
Administrative Liaison Sharon Taratula (W) 860-594-0269
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 Fax: 860-594-0259
Email: HYPERLINK mailto:staratula@arrl.org staratula(a)arrl.org
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