Vol. 28, No. 21
May 25, 2005
The office will be closed Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial
Day. Have a safe Holiday weekend!
The Development presence at the 2005 Dayton Hamvention produced
wonderful results, including a major contribution from a new Maxim
Society Member, recognition of a donor who reached the pinnacle Founder
Level ($100,000) of the Maxim Society. Conversations at the Thursday
evening donor reception and during the Hamvention resulted in eight
estate commitments to ARRL, plus a gift of $20,000 from one donor to
support the Defense and Education Programs. A very successful
Hamvention for Development. Kudos to Debra Johnson for her
orchestration of the Donor Reception at Wright State University hosting
more than 100 key donors and their guests.
The Education & Technology Program campaign has raised more than $84,500
from 1134 donors, including the aforementioned $10,000 gift. Absent
that large contribution, the average donation is a healthy $65.71.
During Hamvention weekend several key donors to the Education &
Technology Program were able to spend time with Project Director Mark
Spencer, WA8SME, which served to solidify their support and cultivate
their interest in continued funding of the program.
The spillover Defense receipts in 2005 now total more than $40,000, from
361 donors, including the $10,000 contribution mentioned above. This
revenue exceeds the budget spillover from the fall campaign. The new
spring campaign is in the creative stage and will be mailed in June.
All scholarship winners of 2005 ARRL Foundation scholarships have been
notified and the list of awardees has been posted on the web.
Media & Public Relations
The week started off with another interview contact with Tektime in
Australia about BPL issues. Wired News also was given an interview on
BPL. The final draft of the annual report was completed and sent off to
the printer where it will be turned into the "blues" which is the last
step before actual printing. 1000 copies are to be printed. The
deadline for nominations for the McGan award was 5/20. This is the
award for service by a member in a volunteer capacity doing PR work.
Nominees are referred on to the PR committee for a final recommendation
to the Board. Dayton was a very positive time and many contacts were
made, concepts shared and agreements made which will bear fruit in the
coming months. Over 200 copies of the highly successful "Swiss Army
Knife 05" were given to people requesting help doing publicity, plus
over 100 copies of PSA's and other materials. A great deal of thanks
goes to the PIO volunteers and committee members who helped man the
The July 2005 issue of QST will be released to the printer Wednesday.
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 20, distributed to
65,068 members on May 18--two days early because of Dayton Hamvention.
Rick prepared/edited stories on the ARRL, CAP cooperative agreement,
ARISS school group contact with Japan junior high kids; League's
affinity Visa card, Youth Web column, geomagnetic storm on May 13 plus
several announcements and news briefs. Rick voiced, edited and produced
ARRL Audio News.
ARRL EXPO 2005/Dayton Hamvention: Rick, accompanied by spouse Jean
Collier, N1MJC, attended the ARRL donors reception May 19, primarily to
shoot photos and take names. During the convention, Rick captured some
300 digital images (perhaps a third or so actually usable for
publication) of the various convention/Hamvention activities, visited
several "newsworthy" forums all three days and filed a story Friday, May
20, on ARRL's push to get members involved in expressing their views to
their elected representatives regarding legislation that might affect
Amateur Radio, such as BPL ("grassroots lobbying"). Story included a
mention and some photos from the reception and the new (and not yet
available) "ARRL Goes to Washington" video. Went to dinner with the
"yoots" (Andrea, KG4IUM, Rebecca, KB0VVT, Rebekah, WG4Y, and many
others) on Saturday evening and took some more photos there. Jean put
in all three days at the ARRL EXPO 2005 retail counter, which (she says)
she enjoyed a lot--especially getting to meet people. Rick and Jean
then went home where Rick quietly turned 60 and immediately began
complaining about his back on 75 meters.
Product Review editor Joel Hallas visited most manufacturers' booths and
inquired about new products, obtained information and took photos for an
upcoming "What's new at Hamvention" piece for QST; helped staff the ARRL
EXPO booth; made an EXPO presentation on the Product Review process, and
served as navigator and co-host to Guest of Honor Tony England and Kathi
England for the donors reception and the AMSAT dinner.
Sales & Marketing
Thanks go to all who had a part in making the ARRL EXPO and the National
Convention such a huge success.
Memberships amounted to 942, which includes Diamond Club, paid in full
Life memberships, quarterly payment Life memberships, and term
Pub sales and membership revenue totaled approximately $96,000.00.
A "Post-Dayton" meeting will be held on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 10:00
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 150
WAC QSL Cards Checked 114
Extra Class Certs. 2
Member Inquiries 2
25-Year Member Awards 6
Replacement Awards 2
A-1 Op. Nom. 5
A-1 Op. Cert. 1
VUCC End. Apps. 2
Grids 253
Awards Mailed 5
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, U.S. WAC awards, WAS
Specialty awards, and VUCC awards processing/mailing.
Contest Branch
The 10-Meter article was received from Production and edited. The web
version was edited and should be opened early in next week. The January
VHF SS article is being edited and prepared for production for August
QST. Sponsored and self-purchased plaques for the 2004 November
Sweepstakes were ordered, as well as several special order plaques for
other contests. There has been a noticeable increase in Field Day
queries this week, both via phone and email. Requests for replacement /
duplicate certificates were processed and mailed.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
May 22, 2005
Beginning Credits 38,945
Credits Received 3,470
Credits Processed 6,511
Ending Credits 35,904
Applications Pending 318
Processing Time (Conventional) 3.7 Weeks
Processing Time (LoTW) 1 Working Day
Year-to-date (2005)
Credits Received 218,425
Credits Returned 253,923
DXCC is currently entering and mailing applications received on April
26, 2005.
Bill Moore attended the Dayton hamvention this past weekend. Processing
stats are as follows:
164 Applications
14,794 QSOs
(2004 Comparison - we did 123 applications with 13,553 country credits)
2 VUCC applications
2 WAC applications
10 WAS Applications
1 5 Band WAS application
Masa, JA1DM, from JARL was checking JARL award applications, but at this
time we do not have any information on how many he checked.
A special thanks to the many card checkers who helped out this weekend!
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 72,135,959
QSL records have resulted 3,265,086
Logs Processed 121,539
Active Certificates 14,632
Users registered in the system 9,725
Hybrids Pending Mail 63
QSL Bureau
Processing time is 7 working days from receipt. This week, 115 pounds
of cards were received from members. Cards mailed as of 05/20/05:
424,550. Cards mailed on 05/20/05: 87,500.
Field & Educational Services
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
The Education and Technology Program and Youth Activities booths at the
convention were busy and very successful. Mark Spencer acknowledges
Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM, and Rebekah Dorff, WG4Y, for their contribution
to staffing the Youth booth and making that booth a success. It would
not have been possible without their dedication, energy, and youth.
They did an exceptional service to the League and youth. The youth
booth was visited by approximately 150 young people. By visiting, I do
not mean a quick stop and look-see. These young people participated in
the activities and spent substantial time at the booth. Icom provided 6
substantial prizes for youth (top of the line HTs and Receivers) and a
number of ARRL educational publications of the appropriate level were
given out to youth for their participation in the activities.
Approximately 40 youth participated in the scavenger-hunt-like
activities, from which prize winners were chosen. All planned
activities seemed to be on target. The robots and robot maze seemed to
be the biggest draw and brought the most attention and people to the
booth. The CW activity seemed to be a big hit with all ages (3 days of
CQ CQ CQ is about all one person can handle at the booth). The Morse
code wrist band seemed to be a hit with the younger females as
The education display generated a lot of interest from the general ham
population. There were approximately 50 inquiries from teachers about
ETP offerings, and there were uncounted number of inquiries from
interested parents, individual hams, and ham clubs about school program
Field Organization/Public Service Team
The ARRL National Convention at Dayton was a very positive experience
for members of the ARRL Field Organization and their Section Leaders.
Steve Ewald notes that 22 Section Managers were in attendance. The
Section Manger/Section Leader forum on Sunday was an outstanding chance
for the Leaders to interact and discuss common issues. Thanks to Ohio
SM Joe Phillips, K8QOE, for arranging additional times for SMs to get
together during the weekend. The ARES forum was attended by nearly 100
guests. Thanks to Kay Craigie, N3KN, Joyce Birmingham, KA2ANF, and Dan
Miller, K3UFG, for joining Steve as speakers at the ARES forum.
In addition to his other duties at the convention, Chuck Skolaut
attended the FCC forum to hear Bill Cross and Riley Hollingsworth gave
an update of the latest from the FCC. He also participated in the
Section Leader forum that gave him the chance to meet more of our SMs
and several Official Observer Coordinators. This enabled him to discuss
a number of OO issues and concerns first hand.
Field Education Team
Chuck Skolaut and his wife, Mary, N0TIK, led the ARRL HQ support of
Saturday night's Wouff Hong ceremony. It was a big success, and 137
members were inducted into the Royal Order. Chuck and Mary were
stationed at EXPO's New Ham booth where they helped distribute the
"Passport" and collected completed "Passports," along with promoting
ARRL memberships. Thanks to the many Directors for helping to staff
this booth.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller registered about 60 students for the ARRL Amateur Radio
Emergency Communications Courses at his booth in ARRL EXPO. We
congratulate Betsey Doane, K1EIC, who received an ARRL Mentor of the
Year award at the EmComm Mentor banquet on Friday evening. Dan served
as emcee of the gathering and about 120 attended.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
HK: lk
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 5/30 Holiday
Dave Patton 5/23-5/27 Vacation
`` 6/21-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany
Lisa Kustosik 5/31 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/27 Vacation
Ed Hare 5/23-5/27 IEEE BPL Study Group, Long
Beach, CA & Vacation
Dennis Motschenbacher 5/27-531 Vacation
`` 6/2-6/3 USPS Meeting
Zoe Belliveau 6/20-6/24 Vacation
Fatima Lorusso 6/27-7/1 Vacation
Lisa Tardette 6/27-7/8 Vacation
`` 7/15 Vacation
Zack Lau 6/16-6/17 Vacation
Mark Dzamba 6/9-6/13 Vacation
Pam Dzamba 6/9-6/13 Vacation
Rosalie White 5/19-5/26 Dayton Hamvention & Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/27 Vacation
Eileen Sapko 5/27 Vacation
Kathy Allison 5/27pm Vacation
Judy Miller 5/27am Vacation
Steve Ewald 6/3-6/6 San Francisco Section Convention