Vol. 28, No. 8
February 23, 2005
Diamond Club response continues to grow daily, with good response from
the regular membership renewal mailings.
Member Loyalty letters and certificates for members of 40 years or more
are in production and will be mailed by March 4.
Copy is complete for the full file Education & Technology campaign.
Production details are being finalized.
Development is participating in planning for the 2005 National
Convention at Dayton in May, including a reception for major donors and
prospects on Thursday evening.
Scholarship processing for the ARRL Foundation is complete and copying
of nearly 300 scholarships for the review committee will begin this
week. .
Media & Public Relations
The first batch of new Video PSAs went quickly and are on the air in
many places. An improved edition has been completed and will be
duplicated quickly as demand remains high. I am also looking for good
pricing on duplicating the "Swiss Army Knife" CD of materials for PIOs
that has been found to be very helpful. In light of recent questions
about the cost and accuracy of a clipping service in the days of Google
and the Internet, I am looking at cost-saving alternatives to Bacons.
Materials for NAB conference door prizes have been sent and booth
materials are being gathered. An idea and proposal for a major new PR
initiative for 2006 is in development and awaiting a decision. A
workable plan to implement a speaker's bureau referral site has been
developed. I am still awaiting annual report write-ups from several
activities - due date agreed upon is March 1.
The January clip reports have been mailed to Directors and to members of
the PR Committee.
The April issue of QST has been released to the printer, as has the new
4th edition of Low Band DXing, by John Devoldere, ON4UN.
Speaking of April QST... this issue marks the inauguration of a new
semi-monthly two-page article for less experienced readers, "Getting to
Know your Radio," by Joel Hallas, W1ZR. It is designed to acquaint new
hams with the operation of some of the more obscure functions and
features of modern radio equipment. This month's topic--Passband
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 07, distributed to
65,396 League members on Feb 18. Among other things, Rick
prepared/edited these news items: ARRL COO Harold Kramer, WJ1B, arrives
at HQ; Dean Straw, N6BV, testifies on BPL before the California Public
Utilities Commission; successful ARISS school group contact with
Fairview Elementary School in Illinois; FCC upholds a $4000 fine against
a Missouri radio amateur; FCC chief, commissioner recommend changes in
open meeting rules; FCC proposes keeping vanity call sign fee at $20.80,
plus several announcements and news briefs. Rick also completed work on
"Happenings" for April QST. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer
Hagy and soundbite support from Harold Kramer, Rick voiced, edited and
produced ARRL Audio News for Feb 18.
Sales and Marketing
The President's Day email campaign contributed to a great weekend for
online publication ordering. We received over 400 orders totaling
$20,000. Members of the fulfillment team came in during the holiday
weekend to help process orders. The warehouse jumped into packing
orders on Tuesday. The campaign included a promotion for packaged-sets
of ARRL publications. These were a big hit--contributing over $4,000 in
New house advertising for April QST includes ads for new editions of The
ARRL Repeater Directory, TravelPlus for Repeaters CD-ROM, and ON4UN's
Low Band DXing.
ARRL National Convention Update
Information we have provided to Hamvention about the ARRL National
Convention has been posted to the Hamvention web site.
Rosalie has assembled a slate of "official" ARRL forums:
* ARRL Grassroots Forum
* ARRL Mentoring Forum
* ARRL Forum
* ARRL Public Relations Forum
* ARRL Technology Task Force Forum
* AMSAT & ARISS Forum (organized by ARRL, but run by AMSAT)
* ARRL Section Manager & Section Leaders Forum
With Rosalie's help, planning for the Wouff Hong ceremony is well
underway. SM Joe Phillips is leading the activity. We've arranged a
space for the ceremony on Saturday night (May 21), at the Crowne Plaza
(formerly Stouffers). It begins at 10:30 PM.
The news crawl featured a story about the ARRL recognition award
presented to the 2005 Dayton Hamvention(r) Committee by Director Jim
Weaver. The award recognized the committee for their invitation to host
this year's ARRL National Convention.
Repeater Directory ads were checked for requested placement and correct
The ad section of April 2005 QST was completed on time, despite some
last minute insertions that arrived just before press-time. Preliminary
reports show that combined advertising revenue for the month will exceed
targets by approximately $5,000.
An e-mail solicitation has already been sent to present and potential
advertisers for the May issue of QST that will feature an 8-page, Dayton
Theme, tear-out section. We already have several pages filled and will
continue our efforts throughout the month. A follow-up postcard, being
drafted now, will be printed in-house and sent out in ten days.
Two new proposals for 2005 advertising package options were developed
and sent to major manufacturers. The proposals have received positive
initial feedback and discussions are ongoing.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 450
WAS End. (50 QSLs ES/C) 1
Replacement Awards 2
25-Year Member Awards 9
25-Year Member Certs. Processed 9
VUCC Initial Apps. 1
Grids 106
VUCC End. Apps. 3
Grids 72
A-1 Op. Noms. 3
LTMA Inquiries 3
Awards Mailed 17
Also, filed the WAS applications from 2004, and worked on some LTMA
projects (on-going).
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAC QSL card checking, WAS Specialty and VUCC awards
processing/mailing, and continue work on LTMA projects.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
February 20, 2005
Beginning Credits 35,913
Credits Received 3,644
Credits Processed 11,760
Ending Credits 27,797
Applications Pending 306
Processing Time (Conventional) 6.8 Weeks
Processing Time (LoTW) 1 Working Day
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on January 3, 2005.
DXCC is currently entering credits received on January 3, 2005.
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 64,293,491
QSL records have resulted 2,674,700
Logs Processed 100,505
Active Certificates 13,404
Users registered in the system 9,016
Current Applications 38
Ready Applications 0
Applications Awaiting Mail 38
QSL Bureau
Processing time is 5 days from receipt. This week 95 pounds of cards
were received from members. Cards mailed as of 02/20/05: 123,550. No
cards were mailed this week.
W1AW made a few contacts during the 2005 School Club Roundup. Thanks to
Debra Johnson, KB1LMT, Mark Spencer, WA8SME and Rosalie White, K1STO for
their participation.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of
the month of February and early March. He continues with assembling the
SSB adapter module for the Elecraft K2 QRP transceiver. Scott also
handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time
Joe updated the web code practice files and uploaded logs to LoTW. He
created the texts for the March W1AW Qualifying Runs and processed four
Qualifying Run endorsements. Joe also worked with Andy on the process
of upgrading the office PC (currently running Win98SE) to Windows XP
format. Also, when it was acceptable, Joe was QRV on satellite AO-51
(Echo) using Mode V/S (2-meters up/2.4 GHz down) handing out contacts
with W1AW. So happy were some members of the satellite community that
they posted on the AMSAT reflector how pleased they were working W1AW on
Echo (especially using this particular mode).
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie got the okay for another official ARRL forum for the national
convention in Dayton -- the time slot was the only empty hour of forums
that was left. She discussed tentative plans for the convention with
F&ES members who will give forums and/or put on exhibits. She drafted a
report to be given at the upcoming monthly ARISS international telecon.
Field-Education Team
Jean Wolfgang sent an email solicitation to over 800 Level l online
emcomm course graduates, suggesting to them to register for the Level ll
course. She processed 50 emcomm graduations, set up 1 hybrid emcomm
class and sent welcome letters to registrants of 3 course sections that
will begin soon. She responded to several students who did not receive
their course passwords and student ID numbers. She is working on the
most feasible way to sort the active mentors from the inactive ones,
which would cut down on the number of email solicitations she has to
send to mentors. Jean also read for a small part of the "Sights and
Sounds of Amateur Radio" video program.
Gail Iannone sent 21 convention applications to the Executive Committee
for approval, and sent letters to each convention committee confirming
the EC's approval of their events as ARRL-sanctioned. She sent 7
hamfest approval letters and 4 convention approval letters to sponsoring
committees confirming the Division Director's approval of their events
as ARRL-sanctioned. She processed 13 handout and door prize orders for
upcoming events, and continues to update, daily, the "Hamfest and
Convention Database" on the ARRL web.
The department sent its condolences to Norm Fusaro, who was out of the
office most of the week due to a death in the family. After he
returned, he assisted several new clubs with overcoming some of the
hurdles that present themselves when new clubs are formed. Norm worked
on presentations for upcoming conferences and a mentor workshop.
Margie Bourgoin updated 64 records of affiliated clubs, and reactivated
the affiliation of one club. She processed 3 Special Service Club
renewals. Margie also worked with several instructors on orders for
their upcoming licensing classes. She spent time training with Jean on
the mechanics of Access, used for keeping records on progress of emcomm
online students. Margie drafted a letter regarding the use of ARES as
part of a club name, for a club reactivating after several years.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams and the team have been preparing for SM election-ballot
counting on February 22. Arkansas and North Texas are the contested
elections. Northern New Jersey SM Bill Hudzik, W2UDT, was nominated for
another term. Leona contacted other SMs who have not turned in a
nominating petition for possible new terms beginning July 1.
Steve Ewald networked with Tennessee and Maryland ARRL convention
officials in preparation for his attendance at these events in March and
April. He heard from Alabama Section leaders following a successful
simulated emergency test involving Army chemical stockpiles, where
Calhoun County ARES/RACES tested communications at the Emergency
Operations Center. FEMA Region 4 representatives said, "The amateur
radio group was the best we have evaluated and their knowledge of radio
and communications was excellent." SMs have been making use of their
monthly Section News summaries and email announcements to members. For
example, the Vermont section leadership is encouraging hams to contact
state legislators to support a PRB-1-type bill. In Nebraska, hams are
asked to contact state senators to vote against legislation that would
allow BPL. In Kentucky, there is a proposal to raise the fee for
special license plates (including call sign plates); ARRL members were
asked to contact their representatives.
Chuck Skolaut received word from New Mexico Section Leaders that the
source of the "Yosemite Sam" signal on 3700 kHz and three other
frequencies has been determined by two hams who practiced direction
finding techniques. The signal, which is now silent, originated on the
Laguna Indian Reservation near Albuquerque. More information has been
gathered on interference cases about Oregon and California repeaters
and, also on technical problems with a California repeater.
Investigations are underway to track an unidentified signal on 2 meters
in New York, as well as noise on 75 meters.
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
Mark Spencer sent his article on our teacher's institute to the National
Council of Teachers of Math, who will distribute the information on
their web. Mark checked out all the HTs from the FBI, and sent a notice
to schoolteachers who must report their plans for using the HTs, if
awarded. Plans have rolled in; there'll be no trouble finding good
homes for the HTs. The prototype of the next activity board, which
involves exploring a simple transistor amplifier with three different
waveforms, is done, and lessons are being drafted. Mark applied to be a
curriculum/textbook reviewer for a national science organization. There
has been a flurry of ARISS school applications received. Mark got a
surprising number of inquires (the majority from overseas schools) about
the seismograph project on our web pages. School materials President
Haynie requested for his South American trip were delivered to their
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee reviewed constitutions of clubs applying for ARRL
affiliation. He processed the Volunteer Counsel application of Bob
Stevens, K9ING of Midland, TX. He provided support to the Connecticut
PRB-1 Team on their initiatives. He also assisted an amateur with a
local government zoning matter in Signal Hill, CA (W6YY), and assisted
amateurs with covenant restrictions in Daytona Beach Shores, FL (N4EDQ);
Wenatchee, WA (AC7MW); and Maricopa (Mesa), AZ (K9CJM). John thanks Jon
Bloom who was very helpful when John was unable to access the ARRL Web.
Community Education Program
Bill Barrett traveled to Phoenix for his second CEP presentation. After
some difficulties with setting up in the scheduled room were resolved;
42 Citizen Corps Council members arrived! Six of these people were
hams. Helping Bill was District Emergency Coordinator Walt Schuknecht,
N7IZM, and 4 area ARES members. Another 15 hams were in attendance in
the audience. CCC members showed high interest in Bill's show, and
stuck around afterwards, networking with ARES members, trading business
cards, etc.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller represented ARRL at the well-attended Hurricane Watch Net
Conference in Miami, where he also networked to get speakers for the
upcoming National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans. At the National
Emergency Management Association in Washington DC, 350 people attended
from all levels of emergency communications and many parts of the
country. Dan set up an exhibit, and asked visitors what their first
priority was regarding emergency communications. The answers revolved
around interoperability, data collection, coverage and trained
operators. Results of 21 of his surveys showed 63% of respondents are
familiar with ham radio, 69% use federal money for emergency
preparedness, 38% and 44% respectively are familiar with ARES and RACES,
38% are working with area ham radio groups, 38% believe ham equipment is
up to date and meets their needs with 31% having no opinion, and 31% say
their primary communications mode is Internet email. Dan is preparing
for 3 March events listed below.
Dave Patton, NN1N
Special Assistant to the
Chief Executive Officer
DCP: lk
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 3/25 Holiday
Dave Sumner 3/3-3/4 IARU planning meeting, GA
`` 4/13-4/18 IARU Reg. 1 Conference
Preparatory Meeting, Croatia
Mary Hobart 3/2-3/4 CNCS Meeting, Washington, DC
`` 4/15-4/17 International DX Convention,
Dennis Motschenbacher 3/4-3/5 Icom meeting, Miami, FL
Bob Inderbitzen 3/21-3/23 National Postal Forum
`` 3/24 & 3/28 Vacation
`` 3/31-4/1 AES Superfest
Fatima Lorusso 3/7-3/11 Vacation
Kathy Capodicasa 3/21-3/23 National Postal Forum
`` 4/14-4/18 Vacation
Steve Ewald 2/25-3/8 Vacation
Steve Ford 2/25 Vermont Section Convention
Rosalie White 3/1-3/4 CNCS Conference, NASA HQ
`` 3/7-3/8 Vacation
Jean Wolfgang 3/4-3/7 Vacation
Dan Miller 3/2-3/6 Nat'l Severe Wx Workshop,
Midwest City, OK
`` 3/10-3/13 LA State Convention,
Rayne, LA
`` 3/21-3/24 Nat'l Hurricane
Conference, New Orleans, LA
`` 3/28-3/30 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 3/8 Vacation