Vol. 27, No.33
August 18, 2004
After 10 years of service we said goodbye to Jennifer Hagy. She is
relocating to another state and we wish he the very best in her future
For right now, any calls concerning media relations should be forwarded
to Dave Patton.
Larry Price and Paul Rinaldo are here this week working with Dave Sumner
to prepare the binders for the IARU Administrative Council meeting
October 2-4 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. The notebooks will be
duplicated and assembled by Lisa Kustosik and will be boxed and shipped
by Kim Rochette and Marlin Mosley (who is in training).
The 2004 Education & Technology campaign topped $97,000 with a major
contribution of $25,000. This total includes the $25,000 grant for the
pilot Teachers Institute which concluded successfully last week. A
follow up to the Institute went to the donor with photos of the
The 2005 Spectrum Defense campaign is being prepared.
After conversations with a donor who works at Microsoft, we will be
receiving a corporate match of 50 licenses for Microsoft office valued
at $25,000. We have several donors employed at Microsoft and receive
matching funds in cash and by payroll deduction.
Discussions on certificate and plaques for the long time member program
are underway.
Preparations are being made for a campaign for the Diamond Club.
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter distributed to 67,898 members on
Friday the 13th. That's another new circulation record. Rick
prepared/edited stories on Amateur Radio preparations/activity in
response to Hurricane Charley, the first ARRL Education & Technology
Teachers Institute, an update on the Cinergy ham radio BPL team, ARISS
school group contact with kids in TN, FCC fine reduction in malicious
interference case, licensing changes in play in Canada and miscellaneous
news briefs. Rick represented ARRL HQ at the New England Division
Convention in Boxboro, Mass., over the Aug 14-15 weekend. With
voiceover assistance (for the last time) from Jennifer Hagy, Rick
voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for August 13. (Rick will be
auditioning newscaster wannabes.)
Sales & Marketing
Pre-orders for the 2005 ARRL Handbook with "First QST" reproduction are
brisk. Orders totaling $18,000 were received in the first 5 days the
product was introduced. Interest is largely due to the advertisement in
September QST and attention on the ARRLWeb news crawl.
The warehouse has taken delivery of The Secret Wireless War. The book
was produced in the UK, and 400 copies have been consigned to ARRL as
the exclusive US distributor. Pre-orders for the book have been
shipped, producing gross sales near $7,000.
Printed pieces for mailing 5,000 membership solicitations have been
received. The mailing will test responses to a new appeal and enhanced
premium. The leads were drawn from a pool of lapsed (expired) members
with General, Advanced and Extra class licenses. Data gleaned from this
mailing will help drive decisions about a large membership campaign
planned for the fall.
A department representative has been participating in a teleconference
once each week with the 2005 National ad hoc committee.
An ad insertion featuring the 2005 ARRL Handbook was produced for the
fall/winter AES catalog.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS in the 90th Awards 22
LTMA Inquiries 2
VUCC Backfill Apps. 1
Grids 187
VUCC Initial Apps. 3
Grids 423
VUCC End. Apps. 6
Grids 997
Awards Mailed 21
Also, compiled the latest VUCC awards recipient list for October QST and
ordered the 5BWAS plates. Processing Status: Current or up to three
For the coming week-Ship the 5BWAS plaques, process/mail VUCC awards,
mail out awards processed this week, plus filing chores associated with
the most recent 25- and 40-year LTMAs issued.
Contest Branch
We fielded corrections and changes to the 2004 Field Day Logs Received.
We received the final cross-checked scores for the 2004 June VHF QSO
Party, merged them into the master database, prepared the various charts
and tables for the author and emailed them to him.
We received additional material for the 2004 DX Phone web article and
worked with Web Services on formatting and layout for those results
on-line. Data entry for the IARU HF contest continued. We also handled
a small robot problem for the 2004 August UHF Contest. Plates for the
2004 RTTY Roundup plaques were ordered.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
August 15, 2004
Beginning Cards 32,949
Cards Received 10,697
Cards Processed 12,462
Ending Cards 31,184
Applications Pending 199
Processing Time 3.5 Weeks
Year-to-date (2004)
Cards Received 328,383
Cards Returned 390,697
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on July 22, 2004. DXCC
is currently entering cards received on July 27, 2004.
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 48,988,994
QSL records have resulted 1,677,655
Logs Processed 63,271
Active Certificates 10,864
Users registered in the system 7,715
Current Applications 71
Ready Applications 27
Applications Awaiting Mail 44
QSL Bureau
Processing time is approximately 7 days from receipt. This week 108
pounds of cards were received from members. Approximately 120 pounds of
cards are waiting to be processed. Cards mailed as of 08/15/04:
688,975. No cards were mailed this week.
Joe updated the web code practice files. He uploaded W1AW/90 logs to
LoTW and corrected a problem with the Studio One rotator controller. He
participated in Mark Spencer's micro controller class (as part of the
first ARRL Education and Technology Program (ETP) Teachers Institute) on
Thursday. Joe also began culling together equipment to upgrade the
satellite tracking PC to a faster machine.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of
the month of August. He worked the early afternoon shift on Friday for
a vacationing Joe Carcia and also handled some evening phone sales calls
in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie held a meeting with Steve, Norm and Mary Hobart to plan for
National Preparedness Month (Sept). KE5CGR is the call sign of new-ham
astronaut Christer Fuglesang; he said he was looking forward to using
his new abilities on the ISS to talk to schools and hams. Rosalie
worked with NASA Hq to consolidate school evaluation forms. Two
Tennessee schools took part in a successful ARISS QSO; reporters were
there from 5 TV stations, 3 radio stations and several newspapers.
Rosalie, Steve and Norm reviewed a paper by Chris Imlay that answers
members' questions about use of the ARES servicemark.
Gail Iannone wrote 39 hamfest and 4 convention announcements for October
QST, and she thanks Jon Bloom for making a tweak to the online
convention application. She sent 11 hamfest approval letters and 1
convention approval letter to sponsoring committees confirming the
Director's approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 24
hamfest/convention material orders, and coordinated travel for Wayne
Mills to be HQ rep at the W9DXCC Convention on September 17-18 in
Illinois. She sent 1 SSC approval letter and certificate to the Orlando
Linda Mullally worked with Dave Pingree to get scanned QSL cards sent to
NASA. She updated 64 club records. She registered 5 Volunteer
Instructors and handled 2 label requests. She sent out 690 assorted
brochures, 3 Exhibit Kits and 2 JOTA Kits. She compiled the statistics
(PSHR, BPL, SEC, STM) for the Public Service column of September QST.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee gave a club talk to the Yankee Chapter of Chaverim
International. In the wake of the hurricanes, he has received a number
of questions about the legalities of issues involving Amateur Radio and
newsgathering. He has noticed an increase in regulatory questions about
the use of Amateur Radio in hospitals. He assisted amateurs with local
government zoning problems in Washoe County, NV (N7GXI) and Gilpin
County, CO (K0YX).
Jean Wolfgang assigned 67 mentors to students in 4 sections of the Level
1 EmComm classes that will begin on August 18. She sent out a call to
other mentors for the Level 2 class, the Technician License course and
the Antenna Modeling class. She set up two hybrid emcomm classes and
updated a "wishlist" of changes for the CCE web site. Jean gathered
information on registration and graduation numbers for the technical
online courses for the budget and verified that a large supply order has
arrived. Thanks to Bart for making tweaks to the CCE exam.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Team members kept in touch with Section Leaders and amateurs who were
extremely active in preparation for and response to Tropical Storm
Bonnie and Hurricane Charley; Steve Ewald funneled information to Rick
Lindquist for the Web. The Southern Florida Section worked closely with
West Central Florida, providing back-up support. Steve represented ARRL
HQ in a NVOAD teleconference (National Voluntary Organizations Active in
Disaster) as organizations responded to emergencies in Florida and
beyond. Steve prepared a readiness report for a document requested by
FEMA to send to the White House on action being taken by NVOAD
organizations in preparation for Bonnie and Charley. Steve took part in
an ARESCOM telecon, and prepared the October QST Public Service column.
He worked to publicize the FCC's revised policy on emergency
declarations and on how ARRL will be involved in National Preparedness
Chuck Skolaut monitored HF emergency net frequencies surrounding Bonnie
and Charley. He also received additional reports of unlicensed
operations by fishing boats on 2 meters near California, and forwarded
this to the FCC. Chuck heard about an off-frequency repeater in West
Virginia. He notified the section's OOC who took an accurate frequency
measurement, and forwarded it to the trustee who is now correcting the
problem. Good work and cooperation by everyone!
Leona Adams received an SM nomination petition from incumbent Missouri
SM Dale Bagley, K0KY, and one from David Norris, K5UZ, from Arkansas.
The monthly Field Organization Appointment Reports were sent via email
to all SMs. Leona prepared over 20 appointment supply packages for new
appointees, plus six OO test packages to operators who have been
recommended for this appointment.
Club/Mentor Program
Norm Fusaro began composing a Power Point presentation on a new topic
for clubs. He drafted an announcement for Amateur Radio groups to
encourage participation in the Department of Homeland Security's
National Preparedness Month, which is September. He took part in an
ARISS telecon. Norm interviewed people for upcoming club and mentor
stories, and put together a short highlight about a club for our club
Web page.
EmComm Grants
We received a nice compliment from a member who'd just graduated from
our emcomm course; the comment follows. "The Stillwater Assn has an
active ARES unit, and I'm sure more of that group will be taking the
course. Kudos to the ARRL for all the effort they have put in to
produce an excellent training program."
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
Last week, the ARRL hosted the first ever teacher's institute. Because
of the apparent chaos that is always part of a great learning
experience, you all were aware of the weeklong activity that culminated
with the robotics unit on Friday. Many of you observed the teachers
with their robots (one named Hiram by the way) attempting to negotiate a
maze taped on the floor and also playing follow-the-leader. The
teacher's institute was very productive and overall, met the goals of
the initiative. The teachers' critiques of the institute generally were
positive and constructive. In particular, the teachers compliment the
ARRL staff for their wonderful support. Each teacher felt the
experience was rewarding and they each left the institute with ideas and
techniques that were immediately usable in their classrooms. Most
teachers expressed that they were anxious to get back into the classroom
to try the things they learned during the institute. The institute
created an atmosphere in the building of excitement and learning. Thank
you for helping to create that atmosphere and for sharing in the
experience and excitement.
If you are interested in the specific critiques on the institute, please
contact Mark Spencer at ext. 369.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
MW: lk
Staff Absentee List
Lisa Kustosik 8/30 Vacation
Mark Wilson 8/20 Vacation
Perry Williams 7/16-9/7 Vacation
Dennis Motschenbacher 8/20-8/21 Convention, Albuquerque,
`` 8/27-8/29 SW Division
Convention, Phoenix, AZ-personal
`` 9/24-9/26 EWA Section
Convention, Spokane, WA
Steve Ford 8/30-9/1 Vacation
`` 9/10 Digital Communications
John Hennessee 8/19-8/30 Vacation
Dan Miller 8/26-8/29 SW Div Convention,
Phoenix, AZ
AnnMarie Pinto 8/9-8/20 Vacation
Joel Hallas 8/6-8/20 Vacation
Chuck Skolaut 8/17-8/20 Vacation
" 8/21 Missouri State
Mark Dzamba 8/23-8/27 Vacation
`` 9/2-9/3 Vacation
Pam Dzamba 8/23-8/27 Vacation
`` 9/2-9/3 Vacation
Mary Hobart 8/27-8/29 SW Division Convention
Danny Sayad 9/7-9/10 Vacation
" 9/17 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 8/27-9/1 Vacation
Bill Moore 8/17-8/23 JARL Convention
Dan Henderson 8/20 Huntsville AL Convention
8/23-8/27 Vacation
Wayne Mills 8/23-9/3 Vacation
Joe Carcia 8/20pm Vacation
Heather Dzamba 9/3-9/10 Vacation
Leona Adams 8/19-8/20 Vacation
Steve Ewald 8/26 Vacation
Kathy Capodicasa 8/23 Vacation
`` 9/7-9/13 Vacation
Lisa Tardette 8/30 Vacation