Vol. 26, No. 20
May 21, 2003
Logbook of the World debuted for public beta testing May 15. After a
week of operation, there are more than 3 million QSOs in the database
with about 1000 digital certificates issued. There haven't been any big
surprises, but as expected we have uncovered some issues to be addressed
before we go live with the production system. We are also uncovering
the weak spots in documentation and customer support information. We
expect the beta test period to last about 60 days. Please direct any
member with questions or comments to Dave Patton, NT1N, here at HQ.
We were pleased to host 52 donors at the second annual Donor Recognition
Reception at the Officers Club of Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Many
of the guests were attending for the first time and enjoyed a light
supper followed by fascinating remarks of Vice Adm (ret.) Scott Redd,
K0DQ, who commanded the US Fifth Fleet during Operation Desert Storm.
The evening was highlighted by the award of a Maxim Society plaque to
ARRL Vice President Kay Craigie, N3KN, and her husband Carter, N3AO.
Mary and Deborah spent the balance of the Dayton Hamvention working the
ARRL booth.
Chief Development Officer Hobart extended her trip to the midwest with a
visit to Indianapolis to meet donor Dr. Beurt SerVaas, W9WVO, and
discuss ARRL's Education & Technology Fund.
Media Relations
The PR Committee held its annual meeting in Dayton during Hamvention
weekend. All but two PRC members were able to attend. The meeting was
very productive. Committee members discussed ongoing projects, future
objectives, and chose individual goals they plan to meet this year. A
full recap of the meeting will be posted on the PR Committee reflector
Those who attended the PRC breakfast meeting also took part in the PR
forum (which they organized) the following day, and did a fantastic job.
A panel discussion, with plenty of questions from the audience, was
followed by a "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" format PR game. The
program was fun and informative. Jennifer will be posting some of the
highlights on the PR reflector for those who were unable to attend the
ARRL's new reflector for Public Information Coordinators is up and
running. Several of the participants have shared their bios with the
group. We will continue to encourage all PICs to join the reflector,
and PRC members have discussed several ways in which they will interact
with the group throughout the year.
The Annual Report layout has been reviewed, and is going back to the
production department for final corrections.
Jennifer submitted bio information and a description of the PR forum to
the staff at HamCom. While in Dayton, PRC Chairman Jeff Reinhardt,
AA6JR, and PRC member Rich Moseson, W2VU, volunteered to speak at the
forum, along with Jennifer and a PIO from the North Texas section. It
should be an excellent program.
Dave Hassler edited several features for the ARRL Web site and wrote
several news briefs. He also gave a talk on Hellschreiber at
Hamvention. A fax-like method of teleprinting with CW, Hellschreiber
was invented in the 1920s but has seen a recent resurgence with the
advent of "soundcard" digital modes. Dave, along with QST Technical
Editor Stu Cohen, N1SC, and Managing Editor Joel Kleinman, N1BKE,
interfaced with a number of ARRL members, authors and potential authors
at Hamvention.
Sales & Marketing
A new membership marketing promotion kicked off at Dayton. The
promotion, developed in conjunction with the Ad Hoc Membership
Recruitment and Retention Committee, is the first of two pilot projects
that enlist the aid of amateur radio industry members in recruiting
League members. For a limited time, ICOM dealers will give purchasers of
qualifying ICOM equipment a coupon/membership application good for $15
toward membership dues for each brand new or returning (after a lapse of
1 year) ARRL member. Current members may transfer the coupon to a third
party. Prior to the Dayton Hamvention, the Sales and Marketing team,
worked in concert with ICOM America to create flesh out a detailed
program outline and create coupons and signs to be displayed at ICOM
dealer stores. This pilot program will run through August 15 and we will
be monitoring the results closely over the next several months.
Kathy Capodicasa, Bob Inderbitzen and Danny Sayad represented the sales
staff at the 2003 Dayton Hamvention. Preliminary attendance reports
vary, but the general consensus indicated that Hamvention attendance was
less than last year. However, the League booth took in a little over
$1,000 more than the previous year.
In total, 562 memberships were taken during the event: 389 term
renewals; 111 lapsed term members and 61 new members. That's up from
524 last year. In addition, there was one life member sign-up who paid
in full at the event.
With the booth staffing schedule set up prior to the event, booth
coverage was, for the most part, adequate. As usual, rainy weather at
times forced everyone inside, creating bursts of activity. A tremendous
Thank You to all staff who pitched in to assist sales staff in working
at the booth. As always, your assistance is sincerely appreciated.
Joe Bottiglieri made the rounds at Hamvention, spending time with
current advertisers and combing the site for potential ones. QST
advertising kits will be sent to those attendees who do not presently
advertise with us. Joe also attended events, hosted by two major
manufacturers, who were announcing new product rollouts.
Bob took a few moments outside the ARRL booth at Dayton to discuss
resale product opportunities with a handful of exhibitors. Included
among these were representatives from RSGB, Radio Amateur Callbook, and
Worldradio. He also took the stage at the ICOM exhibit for two soapbox
style "ARRL Today" presentations.
Al Ambrose and Bill Pritchett, the software developers of TravelPlus for
Repeaters CD-ROM, shared the ARRL exhibit space at Dayton for another
year. Their excellent demonstrations of the newest version of the
program drew many new customers. Devout TravelPlus customers enjoyed
exchanging feedback with Al and Bill. Many previous buyers upgraded on
the spot.
The Spring/Summer edition of the ARRL Publications Catalog has arrived.
A large direct mailing effort is underway. ARRL dealers have been
supplied with copies for their stores. Catalogs can be obtained from
any of the Sales & Marketing staff.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 200
WAC QSL Cards Checked 162
WAC Certs. (102 QSLs ES/C) 17
5BWAC Certs. (60 QSLs ES/C) 2
Extra Class Certs. 13
OTCs 4
L/T Member Inquiries 5
A-1 Operator Noms. 6
LTMAs Records to Siebel 17
VUCC End. App. 1
Grids 51
Awards Mailed 34
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming
week-WAS Specialty, Code Proficiency, RCC, and A-1 Operator awards,
filing chores associated with LTMA correspondence, and on-going VUCC
awards processing/mailing.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report
May 18, 2003
Beginning Cards 104,673
Cards Received 11,534
Cards Processed 11,867
Ending Cards 104,340
Applications Pending 824
Processing Time 7.7 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received 198,076
Cards Returned 301,851
QRPs Issued this week 1
QRP's Issued total 294
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on March 26, 2003. DXCC
is currently entering cards received on March 31, 2003. We attended the
Dayton Hamvention this past weekend. Official numbers: DXCC-153 apps.
with 16,024 QSOs, WAC-2, WAS-4 and VUCC-4. 1 new card checker was
appointed in Japan this week.
Positive comments were received on a variety of DXCC items such as turn
around time to help received from DXCC staff.
Contest Branch
The 2003 RTTY Roundup results were received from the log checking team,
the boxes prepared and sent to production. The 2002 Ten Meter results
article for QST was edited for size and content. Data entry for
shipping 2003 DX Contest pins was finished. The PowerPoint presentation
for the Contest forum at Dayton was prepared. Numerous queries regarding
Field Day were handled.
QSL Branch
QSL service status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 05/18/03 -
623,125. Cards mailed on 05/16/2003 - 58,100. Martin covered the
morning bulletins at W1AW on Thursday and Friday for Joe Carcia, so he
could cover the evening shift for a vacationing Scott Gee. Heather
Dzamba has returned to full time duties and spent 5 hours conducting
tours around HQ.
Joe Carcia worked the Thursday and Friday late afternoon/night shifts
for a vacationing Scott Gee. He also created the texts for the June
W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe processed regular W1AW QSL card requests and
handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.
Scott Gee worked on fast and slow code practice files for the month of
May. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8
PM time slot. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $8,694.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie took part via telecon in a FEMA meeting on volunteerism at the
NVOAD conference. A NASA Web site highlights the terrestrial QSO from
Johnson Space Center ARC's W5RRR, with astronauts Barb Morgan, KD5VNP,
and Dave Williams, and youth at the Ontario Science Centre.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee reports that the SGL Reflector is up and running (thanks
to Andy Shefrin) allowing SGLs and interested ARRL Officers, Directors
and Vice Directors to network with one another, particularly about
legislation related to PRB-1. John assisted an amateur in Simsbury, CT
(W1JC) with a local government zoning problem.
Field & Education Support Team
Jean Wolfgang sent updates to the ARRL scout site. She was included in
a member's discussion with others pertaining to ham/scouters, and
pointed them to a Yahoo Scoutradio group she is part of. This is the
time of year for Boy Scout Camporees and outdoor events in many areas.
Several hams have told Jean how they will share ham radio with scouts at
these events. Jean and Larry will be at CT's Mohegan District Spring
Camporee, May 17-18, operating WA1BSA on 80 and 20 meters. She designed
the WA1BSA QSL card.
Linda Mullally updated 126 club records and 2 reactivations. She
registered 13 Volunteer Instructors, 4 schoolteachers, and sent out 12
Exhibit kits and 2 JOTA Kits. She completed the F&ES Monthly Revenue
Report and notes that the Monthly Revenue for April was $2,036.89. She
also compiled the Field Organization Reports (PSHR, STM, SEC, and BPL)
for July QST.
Margie Bourgoin reports 9 new affiliated clubs just voted on by the EC
by email. She added these to the database, generated certificates and
is putting together welcome packets for each. 4 new clubs' paperwork
was sent for Director approval. She will inform the ARISS team via
teleconference that Jerry Hill has left HQ and Mark Spencer will join
our staff in June to head the Big Project.
Mary Lau reviewed the membership rosters and paperwork of four new
Category 1 clubs from Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Nebraska. She also
processed contribution acknowledgments and forwarded a renewal-grant
request to the Foundation Proposals Committee.
Howard Robins reports that our Web host has formatted our newest course,
VHF/UHF - Life Beyond the Local Repeater. Howard checked all sections,
and registration should open this Monday. For our future
troubleshooting course, Howard has found a potential author who will
draft an outline and summary for our review. The CCE volunteer mentor
coordinator was involved in an accident and is unable to work, but hope
to in a few days. Howard advised his students to hold activities.
Jerry Ellis has processed results from field exam sessions received
recently. CNCS, UTC, and field exam graduates were mailed their printed
certificates, ID cards and refund checks (where appropriate). Jerry
also folded, stuffed, and mailed 76 mentor stipend letters and
corresponding checks; this process is now being done monthly.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Steve Ewald turned in July QST's Public Service column and the article
on the 2002 SET. He shared information to SMs on the June 1 on-the-air
test of WX4NHC, ham station at the National Hurricane Center. Section
leaders kept Steve posted on response in storm-affected states. Oklahoma
SM John Thomason praised the FCC and ARRL HQ on acting quickly spreading
the word about May 10's emergency declaration starting and ending. We
also received a thank you for work in getting ARRL Section News
online--the member said he now reads nearly all Section reports, and
likes how updates are timely.
Leona Adams is now using a program she can initiate for sending monthly
Field Organization current and expired appointment lists to SMs by
email. The data is drawn from the Siebel system. Over 30 appointments
were entered into the system and initial supply packages were shipped.
Chuck Skolaut received confirmation from the FCC that a reported second
harmonic of the Voice of America (VOA) in the Philippines on 20 meters
was corrected by VOA. The FCC is investigating interference on 2 meters
from fishing boats off the coast of California. Chuck is working with
OOs on cases on 20 and 75 meters.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller took a day to attend the national conference of the National
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters while enroute to Hamvention.
Rosalie set up a schedule for him to do a short luncheon presentation.
At Hamvention, Dan took part in the ARES forum, took much of the
responsibility for the Q&A side of the booth, and networked with hams
involved in the grant-sponsored emcomm courses.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
MW: lk
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
All Staff 5/26 Holiday
Jennifer Hagy 7/7-7/11 Vacation
Dave Hassler 5/30-6/2 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/27-5/30 Vacation
Mary Lau 5/27-6/2 Vacation
Chuck Skolaut 5/27-6/6 Vacation
Dan Miller 5/30-6/1 Rocky Mt. Division
Martin Cook 5/23 Vacation
Heather Dzamba 5/27 Vacation
Wayne Mills 5/29-6/2 Colorado Convention
Bart Jahnke 5/29-6/5am Vacation