Vol 26, No. 16
April 23, 2003
Upcoming Meetings
April 26th in Kansas City, MO at 8:30am
A&F Committee
The list of major donors and estate gift donors has been completed to be
included in the ARRL Annual Report, in QST and in the Development
section of the ARRL website.
The second quarterly progress report for the federal CNCS grant is being
prepared to meet the April 30, 2003 deadline. Our Program Officer and a
financial representative will be at headquarters on May 7-8 to review
our progress and assist in preparations for a renewal application for
year two of the grant.
The test campaign for Historic Preservation will be supported in June
QST with a 1/2 page ad. The direct mail campaign is scheduled to mail
in mid-May and a presence will be in the Development section of the
With a gloomy mood in the market and uncertain conditions around the
world, contributions continue to fall below targets. The 2003 Education
& Technology campaign has attracted more than $61,000 in contributions
from 1200 donors. The special campaign for WRC-03 is seeing its first
returns totaling $3200 from 48 donors. The Spectrum Defense Fund has
reached $289,000 from 6500 donors. An anonymous $10,000 contribution to
that fund was received on 4/22/2003.
The Combined Federal Campaign attracted pledges totaling more than
$8500. Cash for these pledges will come in over the course of the year.
The new planned giving newsletter, The Legacy Circle Letter, has been
mailed to 5000 targeted ARRL members including the ARRL Board Family.
4,500 newsletters were mailed to active members born between 1936 and
1950. This is the first of four issues a year that tell donors stories
and highlight estate planning topics. The newsletter was designed and
printed by ARRL with expertise from Robert F. Sharpe Co. of Tennessee,
one of the country's premiere planned giving consultants.
Recognition materials for the 6 Maxim Society donors ($10,000 or more in
lifetime giving) and the 25 Legacy Circle (estate gift) donors have been
mailed. Eleven prospects for Maxim Society whose lifetime giving falls
between $5000 and $10,000 were mailed the new Maxim Society brochure and
encouraged to review their giving plans with an eye to qualifying for
Maxim Society recognition. Legacy Circle prospects who have expressed
interest in including ARRL in their estate plans were mailed new Legacy
Circle brochures and copies of the planned giving newsletter.
Copies of The Legacy Circle Letter and the three new annual giving
brochures were mailed to the Board family. Diamond Club members
donating $1000 or more were mailed copies of the newsletter and a Legacy
Circle brochure.
New display boards for the Diamond Club, Maxim Society and Legacy Circle
are being prepared for display at the Dayton and Dallas conventions. A
presentation of the Development website is also being created for the
Stu Cohen, N1SC, reviewed and corrected technical article page proofs
for June QST, and is preparing July technical articles for publication
in that issue. Stu also corresponded with readers and members on
technical matters.
Rick Lindquist, N1RL, reports that The ARRL Letter attained a new
circulation peak of 66,215 on April 11. (This does not include copies
distributed via third parties, such as the Boston Amateur Radio Club.)
Rick wrote/edited Vol 22, No. 16 of The ARRL Letter, an especially fat
edition, and--with help from Brennan Price and Jennifer Hagy--ARRL Audio
News, both of which went out a day early, April 17, because of the
holiday. Rick continues to hear from clubs and repeater owners airing
ARRL Audio News on a regular (ie, weekly) basis. That list is now up to
125 and grows at the rate of one or two per week.
Dave Hassler, K7CCC, edited three features and a number of brief news
items for the ARRL Web site, and prepared the "ARRL in Action" column
for June QST.
Brennan Price, N4QX, prepared the Product Review column for the June
issue of QST.
Production staff checked printer's proofs for the May/June issue of NCJ
and the 2003 DXCC Yearbook.
Sales & Marketing
The Sales and Marketing group conducted an email solicitation for the
recent holiday weekend covering many new ARRL products. Our last tally
indicates nearly 500 orders have been received, a number that exceeds
traditional revenue take for this solicitation.
Planning for the ARRL exhibit at Dayton Hamvention is in full swing.
Bob Inderbitzen reports that a new commemorative button and shopping bag
have been designed. Gail Iannone has started gathering the free handout
material that will be shipped. Deb Jahnke confirmed Dayton Booth
spaces, arranged for furniture and Exhibitor badges and handled the
Hamvention prize request.
Now You're Talking! readers will soon be able to browse pages on the
ARRLWeb that have been prepared to support these newcomers. Among the
features included on these pages will be quick links to clubs, testing
sites, and other common questions. A "bonus" chapter will be available
to browse. And, special membership promotions will be offered. Bob
expects that by building a relationship with readers (beyond the book),
we'll increase the effectiveness of communicating with these (mostly)
prospective members about ARRL products and services. Bob is
coordinating the design and content of these pages with Tom Hogerty.
Bob Inderbitzen is prepared a handful of house ads for June QST,
including a new attention-getting ARRL membership ad that features QST.
Bob was also busy working with Sue Fagan producing artwork for the cover
of the upcoming version of TravelPlus for Repeaters (version 7.0). The
product will debut at Hamvention and in June QST
The author of Ham University will be supplying ARRL with a Technician
exam-preparation version of the popular software. This product spin-off
was conceived by Bob Inderbitzen and is now in stock and available for
delivery: Ham University--Technician Edition, ARRL Order No. 8956,
retail $24.95.
Janet Rocco, who continues to take on more responsibilities in our
group, distributed a survey to over 400 Handbook buyers under the
watchful eye of Bob Inderbitzen. The information will be used for
sales, marketing, and production planning as work begins on the 2005
Deb and Joe Bottiglieri continue to work on insertions for June QST.
With an assist from Carol Patton, who found the perfect placement, RF
Parts has decided to expand their advertising space for the next eight
months. Advertising staff are seeing an increasing number of existing
and prospective advertiser receptive to allowing ARRL prepare proposal
packages packed with professional recommendations and opportunities. We
have also once more kicked up the number of calls we make to clients
designed to ensure that the service we provide meets or exceeds their
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS Certs. (450 QSLs F/C) 9
WAS Certs. (100 QSLs ES/C) 2
WAS Ends. (200 QSLs F/C) 4
WAC Certs. (144 QSLs ES/C) 24
Code Prof. Certs. 5
Code Prof. Ends. 5
L/T Member Inquiries 9
50-Year Member Award 1
A-1 Operator Certs. 4
VUCC Initial Apps. 2
Grids 362
Awards Mailed 27
HF Awards Mgr. Appt.: David Duskin, NE5S, Oklahoma City, OK
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, ship out the 5BWAS plaques,
foreign WAC awards, mail out any awards processed this week that were
not mailed out yet, and on-going VUCC awards processing/mailing.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report
April 20, 2003
Beginning Cards 111,243
Cards Received 7,926
Cards Processed 6,004
Ending Cards 113,165
Applications Pending 1,020
Processing Time 7.4 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received 149,382
Cards Returned 243,856
QRPs Issued this week 1
QRP's Issued total 292
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on February 27, 2003.
DXCC is currently entering cards received on March 3, 2003. DXCC
welcomes KARL (South Korea) DXCC card checker nominee Jeon Sung-Tae,
HL1XP, to the list of DXCC card checkers
Contest Branch
Data entry for DX Contest paper logs continued. The 160-meter and Phone
Sweepstakes web articles were reviewed and some changes are being made.
The Phone SS article for QST was finalized with the author and sent to
Production. Plaque solicitation letters for the DX contest were
prepared and mailed. The DX Contest pins were finalized with Graphics
and ordered. Numerous Field Day questions continue to come in and are
being handled. Gavels for several Affiliated Club Competitions were
QSL Branch
QSL Service Status: There is a delay of one week due to staff absence.
Cards mailed as of 04/20/2003: 474,550. Cards mailed on 04/17/2003:
62,650. Thanks to HQ Staffers who continue to fill in as Tour Guide in
Heather Dzamba's absence. Heather has returned to work on light duties
Joe performed some antenna "clean-up work" within the center tower's
antenna box. After the antenna work from the week before, he needed to
replace and weatherproof some antenna connectors. He also installed
another printer and scanner for a workstation located in the station's
upstairs conference room.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of
the month of April. He continues with assembly of the donated Elecraft
K2 QRP transceiver. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls
in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.
W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $5,101
Field & Educational Services
More successful ARISS QSOs were held, one for Lounsberry Hollow Middle
School in NJ, and two in Russia, in the cities of Tver and Kursk.
Rosalie reviewed proposed wording for ARRL to possibly become a Citizen
Corps affiliate. She worked with the FO/PS Team on revising FSD-191.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller reports that 76 people signed up for the Level II class this
week, filling up in just under 18 hours. The Level III course opens next
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
Jerry Hill reports the ham radio booth attracted a lot of teachers'
attention at the national conference of the National Council of Math
Teachers. He is finalizing graphics for making the curriculum more kid
Field & Education Support Team
Jean Wolfgang notes that the deadline has now passed for submission of
education annual award support information. Jean is now compiling,
reading, and sorting submissions received to date. She also received
one ARISS application.
Margie Bourgoin reports that a mailing has gone out to all clubs as a
reminder to update their club records and SSC status as needed. She is
working with Mary Lau on a special web version of an updated and
combined SSC Manual and Club President Workbook, now to be called The
Active Club Online Primer.
Gail Iannone wrote 22 hamfest and 7 convention announcements for June
QST. She processed 16 door prize orders and sent 7 handout packages for
upcoming conventions. She also co-ordinated travel for Dennis
Motschenbacher, K7BV, to be the HQ rep at the Western Pennsylvania
Section Convention on September 7, 2003 in Butler, PA.
Linda Mullally made revisions to the 2003 Video library sheet that we
provide to members, updated 26 club records, and shipped 444 brochures,
18 Grad kits, and 10 Exhibit kits.
Mary Lau is looking for ideas/concepts and ways to improve our new ham
recruitment information on ARRLWeb. Contact her with your suggestions.
Mary also thanks Margie Bourgoin for her rapid response to a last-minute
request for youth-oriented AR materials to augment the NTIA-Commerce
Dept. Kids Day event slated for April 24th.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams reports that SM nominating petitions have been received for
Ray Taylor, N5NAV (South Texas); Jettie Hill, W6RFF (Sacramento Valley)
and Mark Tharp, KB7HDX (Eastern Washington) for the next term beginning
in October. Members have until June 6 to nominate SM candidates.
Steve Ewald attended and spoke at the successful Amateur Radio Training
Session at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans. Around 45
persons attended. Louisiana SM Mickey Cox, K5MC and Mississippi SM
Malcolm Keown, W5XX participated with several ARES Emergency
Coordinators and Mike Pilgrim, K5MP, and Jerry Herman, N3BDW, of the
Hurricane Watch Net. Mike Carter, N3PDK, organized and moderated the
Chuck Skolaut and Rosalie handled a number of Field Organization-related
issues while Steve was away on travel. Chuck assisted Steve by
reviewing and releasing Monthly Section News Summaries from SMs by
e-mail. He recruited OO assistance at the request of the FCC for an
interference case on 75 meters.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee assisted amateurs in Broward County, FL (AB4ET) with a
local government zoning problem San Jose, CA; and with a covenant
problem in San Jose, CA (AD6SL). He also sent to Derek Riker copies of
Congressional letters we have received.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
MW: lk
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
Dave Sumner 4/22-4/23 Washington
Dave Sumner 5/1pm-5/6 Vacation
Dan Miller 5/1-5/4 ARRL Midwest Convention,
Lebanon, MO
John Proctor 5/1-5/12 Vacation
Rick Lindquist 5/16-5/19 Vacation
Jon Bloom 4/21-4/25 Vacation
Shelly Bloom 4/21-4/25 Vacation
Leona Adams 4/24-4/25 Vacation
Mahjabeen Kabir 4/21-4/22 Vacation
Wayne Mills 5/1-5/7 Visalia Convention
Bill Moore 5/2 Birmingham Convention