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Vol. 26, No. 52
December 31, 2003
Upcoming Meetings
January 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am
A & F Committee
January 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am
Volunteer Resources Committee
January 15th in Newington, CT at 9:00am
Membership Services Committee
January 16-17, 2004 in Windsor, CT
Board Meeting
Joel Hallas is working on the March QST Product Review column, and Stu Cohen is preparing the complement of technical articles.
Dave Hassler prepared several news stories as well as the Web version of ARRL in Action.
Rick Lindquist reports that the final edition of The ARRL Letter for 2003, Vol 22, No 50 (December 19, 2003) was distributed to 66,763 members. This represents an increase of 1753 subscribers over the year. Rick was off December 22 - 24 but did post some Web items in advance to help keep the page fresh over the holiday period. The next edition of The ARRL Letter will be Friday, January 2, 2004.
Sales & Marketing
Last week had the Fulfillment crew jumping as many gift givers contacted us to rush their last minute gift purchases out the door. Our workload included overnight and two-day shipping for orders that needed to be processed immediately. Fulfillment staffers Fatima Lorusso and Cathy Stepina served as Rush Order handlers making sure every possible order and membership was processed and in the postal stream in time for holiday delivery.
Bob Inderbitzen prepared and distributed a holiday-themed emailing sent to our publication list subscribers on December 23. There are presently 46,315 members subscribed--an increase of over 3,000 as compared with last year's list.
Advertising staff wrapped up the February QST ad section on Monday.
The January 2004 issue of Advertising Matters was mailed to both ARRL advertisers and a group of new prospective advertisers. The mailing has already generated interest in the form of questions, inquiries, and reservations for space in several of the Specialty Advertising opportunities mentioned in the newsletter.
A follow-up flyer for two of the Specialty Advertising vehicles that will debut in March has already been drafted and will be mailed at the end of next week. The flyer showcases The New Ham Express (working title), a 16 page, four color advertising piece that will be mailed with our new ham mailings. Also featured isAntenna Time, an eight page, four color tear-out section of April 2004 QST. This issue will be the 2004 antenna theme issue.
Entries for Jan/Feb QEX, NCJ and December Banner Ads have been submitted to the Comptrollers office for invoicing. Entries for February QST have been readied for invoicing.
A year-end report of department activities was produced to support contributions for the January Board meeting.
We are closely tracking returns to December's mailing of third-notice membership expiration. As previously reported, test mailings were prepared to try to improve the renewal rate of these notices. Preliminary results, now 19 days from mailing, show returns that closely follow the control mailing. Direct responses to the pieces have already exceeded 3%. The test mailings will continue with January and February expiration notices. January's notices were prepared this week.
As part of our 2004 planning, we had reviewed the product fulfillment shipping and handling fee structure, planning an adjustment to these charges in 2004. Direct costs, including those for packaging and the fees charged by shipping carriers, have sharply increased. The new pricing models considered compared well with the fees charged by some of the larger catalog retailers and direct-to-consumer businesses. The new shipping and handling fees will take effect on February 1, 2004. Domestic ground charges increase by $2 at all levels. International charges increase by $5 at all levels (calculated by adding $5 to each of the new domestic shipping and handling fees). We have already begun the task of updating display advertising, internal forms and software programming
Media Relations
A Kids Day news release was written and posted to the PR pages and on the PR reflector.
Jennifer gave a radio interview about Kids Day for the Mars Hill Network, a Christian FM radio network with four stations in Central and Northern New York. The host of the networks Spotlight public affairs program is ARRL member Rich McVicar, AB2FN.
The December issue of Contact! was completed and posted to the PR pages.
Jennifer offered additional assistance to a Tampa (FL) Tribune reporter working on a story about BPL and the negative effects on ham radio. The reporter was preparing to interview West Central Florida SM Dave Armbrust, AE4MR.
A producer with WTVC-TV, an ABC affiliate in Chattanooga, Tennessee, contacted the PR department about possible ham radio activity in the aftermath of the earthquake in Iran. Even when information is not available, such inquiries show that media outlets are aware of what hams do when disasters strike.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAC Certs. (126 QSLs ES/C)215BWAC Certs. (60 QSLs ES/C)2 Code Prof. Certs.2Code Prof. Ends.2A-1 Operator Noms.2LTMA Inquiries2Awards Mailed37LTMA Filing Chores41
Processing Status: Current or up to four weeks.
For the coming weekWAS QSL card checking, OTC and RCC awards, Extra Class certificates, mail out awards processed this week, and work on filing chores associated with the LTMAs issued recently.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
December 28, 2003Beginning Cards116,130Cards Received4,828Cards Processed3,477Ending Cards117,481
Applications Pending956Processing Time12.7 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received615,105Cards Returned711,580
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on September 30, 2003.
DXCC is currently entering cards received on September 30, 2003.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie worked on the F&ES report for the Board, covering July to December. She began the logistics for setting up the early-January ARISS international school telecon. She and Steve planned parts of a Citizen Corps report due shortly. They met with Chuck to put more Field forms on ARRL Web pages.
The ARISS USA team is developing a plan to test (with the ISS crew) the Phase 2 hardware, including repeater mode and 70 cm, prior to school QSOs. Russia received two modified Yaesus that are now space-certified, although their tuners and cables aren't yet. Sergej Samburov will start that process; he'll measure for needed cable lengths, do drawings, take photos, record specs to give the US team for building RF cables.
Field & Education Support Team
Jean Wolfgang designed a participation card for the Newington Girl Scouts who will be taking part in GOTA on February 22. She also handled several emails pertaining to frequencies and certificates for the upcoming Kid's Day.
Tom Cote worked on club vanity email changes and SSC club file updating, and assisted Jerry with CCE work.
Linda Mullally updated 25 club records and 4 reactivations and registered 10 instructors. She worked on Club NEAM (new ham labels) troubleshooting and entered new NEAMs into the data base. Linda also checked club rosters for two reactivating clubs.
Mary Lau prepared Inventory, ballot summary and Secretarys Report for the upcoming ARRL Foundation annual meeting and ARRL Board Book inclusion. She also constructed an Educational Awards timeline for ARRLWeb use and met with Dan Wolfgang for multimedia assistance.
Jerry Ellis opened a Level ll course and posted a request for mentors for a Level lll course, which opens next Tuesday. Data entry was done for recent field exam graduates, which also results in producing certificates and ID cards to be matched with checks.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Steve Ewald was in touch with Santa Barbara SM Rob Griffin after the earthquake. Rob reports, "ARES/RACES ops were activated by the San Luis Obispo Co OES to the EOC to provide backup communications to the Red Cross (ARC) when cell phones became unreliable. The ARC set up 3 shelters. Each maintained a station with 2-meter contact to the ARC chapter office; about 24 operators were involved. By late December 22, primary ARC communications were again reliable, and the ARES net secured."
Steve hosted Dan Sullivan, KO1D, a professional emergency exercise planner and ARES member. They shared ideas of how Amateur Radio can be part of Citizen Corps' CERT. Rosalie, Mary Hobart and Steve drafted and sent news to ARRL clubs via the ACCs and SMs about potential Citizen Corps funds (to benefit states strategic plans for disaster prevention and preparedness) available in March.
Chuck Skolaut has received several reports about a broadcast station that suddenly appeared on 7040 kHz. He alerted the ARRL Monitoring Station operators to gather data. The station was apparently transmitting classical music. Chuck has also been answering regulatory and FCC rule questions on behalf of John Hennessee while he is on vacation.
Dave Patton
Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 1/1 Holiday
Dave Sumner 1/29-2/5 Vacation
Mark Wilson 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Dave Hassler 12/31-1/5 Vacation
Bob Schetgen 12/31-1/5 Vacation
Maty Weinberg 12/31 Vacation
Shelly Bloom 12/31 Vacation
Sue Fagan 12/31 Vacation
Gail Iannone 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Dan Miller 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Rosalie White 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Jennifer Hagy 1/2 Vacation
Lisa Kustosik 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Steve Ford 12/31-1/5 Vacation
Lisa Tardette 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Deb Jahnke 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Martin Cook 12/31pm-1/6 Vacation
Kathy Allison 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Monique Levesque 12/31-1/2 Vacation
Fatima Lorusso 1/2 Vacation
Sharon Taratula 1/2 Vacation
Joe Carcia 1/2 Vacation
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