Vol. 25, No. 21
May 29, 2002
Upcoming Meetings
June 8th in St. Louis, MO at 8:00am
Volunteer Resources Committee
A second proposal for $243,000 over three years has been submitted to United
Technologies for the national expansion of ARRL's ARECC program. The
proposal will be reviewed in the final quarter of 2002 with a decision
expected in January 2003.
The Education & Technology Program campaign has reached $138,230 from 2679
members. The average contribution remains strong at $51.60. The followup
letters to prior donors to the Education Program and major donors from the
Fall 2002 Defense Fund have been mailed. This week several first time
contributions of $1000 each have been received.
Planned giving followup letters to 37 prospects have been mailed. About
half requested more information on wills and bequests and half are
considering including ARRL in their estate plans. A copy of the list of
prospects will be sent to Board Members seeking more information on these
Still awaiting response to the second informational mailing of 16,000.
Contact made with a long time member in Vermont who is considering a gift of
real estate. A visit will follow to discuss the gift.
The July issue of QST will be released to the printer May 29. The
July/August issue of NCJ has been released to the printer. We checked
printer's proofs for DXCC Yearbook 2001.
Sales & Marketing
40,743 members received an email solicitation sent Friday offering a free ID
badge lanyard for orders placed via the ARRLWeb catalog over the Memorial
Day holiday weekend. The solicitation highlighted a handful of new ARRL
products. 449 orders resulted, yielding $16,594 in sales (excluding tax and
Congratulations to Bob Inderbitzen who graduated from Central Connecticut
State University (New Britain, CT) on Saturday. He achieved Magna Cum
Laude, and earned a Bachelor of Science in Management and Organization
(not-for-profit specialization). Bob enrolled in the CCSU School of
Business in 1996, to complete a degree he had started before coming to work
at ARRL 11 years ago.
We concluded an effort assisting a major manufacturer with their new product
rollout. While we were unable to immediately sway the company into
expanding their advertising with ARRL, the Sales and Marketing Team, having
applied a unique mix of competencies, believes that the effort was a
worthwhile learning experience that can now be applied to other prospects.
QST house ads for July QST have been drafted and submitted to the Graphics
Dept. Most of the work involved minor changes to existing ads. Proofs of
ARRL's new corporate sportswear have been received. The new items were
added to freshen the apparel line. Finishing touches were made to the Force
12 ads for QST and NCJ, completing our concentrated effort to expand our
relationship with this client.
Deb spent the majority of "post Dayton" week documenting Hamvention Sales.
We took 524 memberships and we are awaiting consignment returns before
coming to a final tally for booth book sales.
Deb Jahnke gained a little more experience dealing with manufacturer/member
intervention. Numerous misunderstandings were brought to acceptable
So far, 61 lapsed members have re-joined ARRL by responding to a Thursday
special 10,500-piece email aimed at them. We can expect this number to grow
somewhat through this week.
Hanan and Joe closed advertising for July QST issue, the first full issue
under the new organizational structure. They worked hard to overcome the
traditional summer cutback in advertising, and the results look positive.
Joe also successfully completed his effort to bump up Ad Insertions for the
July/August NCJ. Obtaining QEX advertising continues to be a challenge so
the Sales and Marketing Team will focus on this issue soon.
Field & Educational Services
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Last Tuesday ballots were counted in the Oregon SM election; Leona Adams
lead the ballot counting with help from Gail and Margie. Thanks to all for
their assistance. Marshall Johnson, KK7CW, was declared the winner after he
received 582 votes. His opponent, Lew Williams, WB7NML, received 417 votes.
Steve drafted the election summary for ARRL news release and that included
information about the entire July, 2002, Class of Section Managers.
Steve Ewald gathered news on ARES response to wildfires in New Mexico and
Colorado, and floods in Missouri. News about the June APRS experiment in
New York was given to SMs and in "In Brief." Steve continues contacting SMs
who've done little with their Web Section News page; he's asking what help
they might want. One SM said he's had computer troubles the past few
months, will ask a volunteer to help because he likes the pages although a
few volunteers said they prefer reading QST in their easy chairs; he
particularly likes the on-line certificate maker. One SM said he likes the
Section Web pages, hadn't realized it was so easy to make postings, and will
do more, though he hoped a small bit of Section News would remain in QST for
members without computers. NFL SM Hubbard said he has a Webmaster who's
been busy lately, so Steve helped Rudy upload two items. Arkansas and the
Virgin Islands SMs have become active posting news. Iowa SM Lasley asked
via QST for help from his Section with writing material, including traffic
reports, for his Section Web page. EPA SM Olena sent an e-newsletter asking
clubs for photos and news for his Web page. When June QST was uploaded to
the Web Section News, Jon Bloom wrote: "...only 31 sections had to be
updated because the rest of the SMs are maintaining their own pages now."
E-newsletters relayed for SMs last week included: two for San Diego and
Kentucky, one for Nebraska, Eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Florida,
Minnesota and Arkansas.
Field & Educational Support Team
Jean Wolfgang received the Boy Scout World JOTA report -- a summary of
worldwide activity that took place in last October's JOTA. There is a full
page of information plus scattered references devoted to Astronaut Frank
Culbertson's (KD5OPQ) participation! Jean is updating fliers for the
National Girl Scout troop leader convention in October.
Scholarship winners are returning their school confirmations in advance of
the ARRL Foundation's July check mailing. Mary Lau reports that winner
compliance has been much quicker this year.
Gail Iannone sent 7 hamfest approval letters and 1 convention approval
letter to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors'
approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned. She processed 3 label requests,
14 door prize orders, and sent 11 handout packages for upcoming events.
Jo-Ann Arel prepared and mailed 10 Exhibit Kits, 4 Videolibrary tapes and
941 Archies. She completed updates for 21 clubs, 2 teachers, and 4
instructors, and assisted with mail in Controllers.
Margie Bourgoin reported 2 more sets of affiliation paperwork for clubs was
sent to the pertinent Directors/SMs for affiliation approval. Margie
assisted with ballot counting, and F&ES award chores for Jean Wolfgang.
Regulatory Team
Brennan Price graded several OO exams and re-examinations; 19 candidates
earned the appointment this week, including 14 graduates of SM Victor
Madera's OO workshop in Puerto Rico. The April Monitoring System report was
sent to the IARU. At Martin Potter's request, Brennan included his stock
answer to questions about the legality of internet-assisted operation via
IRLP and similar protocols.
John Hennessee is doing preliminary planning for the next printing of The
FCC Rule Book. He received many questions on HR 4720, and consulted with
Derek Riker, per Jennifer Hagy. John is working as a backup for Jen. John
is also working with Marsh Affinity Group Services on their upcoming mailing
to promote the ARRL Equipment Insurance Program.
The Big Project
Jerry Hill attended the Connecticut Technology Education Conference; 178
teachers were in attendance. He presented a Power Point presentation on the
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program, and spent two hours talking to
small groups of teachers. He has worked with all but one of the schools
from the last batch of approved Pilot Schools on equipment choices.
Dan Miller gave a special recognition award for dedication in assisting C-CE
on-line students to Marty Mendelson, N8MG, at a dinner in Dayton with C-CE
mentors and instructors. Dan had good discussions at Dayton with Pat
McPherson, WW9E, head of Salvation Army's SATERN, and Chet Hallberg and Jay
Ferron who work with the Red Cross. These folks report both agencies are
firmly behind our C-CE Emergency Communications courses. In-person courses
this week included: West Chester, PA with 11 Level I graduates, 4 Level II
grads and 4 Level III grads; Maumee, OH with 1 Level I grad; Norwood, MA
with 2 Level I grads; and Long Beach, CA with 1 Level I grad.
Rosalie updated data for the Educational Assistance Council on F&ES
educational programs. The National Volunteer Organizations Active in
Disasters (NVOAD) board of directors (including Rosalie) decided to vote in
3 state-level reps to add to the Board. Of the 13 nominees, 3 were hams,
and 1 ham (Bill Feist, WB8BZH, Minn.) made the cut. Johnson Space Center
distributed a nationwide news release on ISS Commander Frank Culbertson,
KD5GSL, visiting several ARISS schools in person.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAC QSL Cards Checked 54
WAC Certificates 18
WAC Endorsements 7
5BWAC Certificates 2
A-1 Operator Nominations 3
Long Term Member Inquiries 3
RCC Awards 4
OTC Awards 3
Friendship Awards 2
VUCC Endorsements 6
Grids (Data Entry) 587
Endorsement Awards Processed and Mailed 2
Also, the latest long-term member award recipients' award records were added
to their membership records on TASS (41).
Backlog Status
A-1 Operator Awards 1 week
Basic WAS 3 weeks
Specialty WAS 3 weeks
WAS QSLs 1 week
WAC QSLs Current
CP Awards 2 weeks
RCC Awards Current
OTC Awards Current
Friendship Awards Current
Extra Class 1 week
VUCC Awards 1 week
U.S. WAC Awards Current
Foreign WAC Awards Current
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, Specialty WAS, VUCC, and A-1
Operator awards, and WAS endorsements.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report May 26, 2002
Beginning Cards 53,127
Cards Received 10,579
Cards Processed 10,118
Ending Cards 53,588
Applications Pending 388
Processing Time 1 Week
Cards Received 243,692
Cards Returned 303,109
QRP Issued this week 3
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 18, 2002. DXCC is
currently entering cards received on May 18, 2002. At the Dayton Hamvention
DXCC, with the assistance of 19 card checkers throughout the weekend
processed: 178 DXCC applications totaling 16,949 country credits, plus WAS,
WAC, VUCC. Letters are being sent to the card checkers who helped us.
Contest Branch
The Logs Received page for the 2002 ARRL International DX Phone Contest was
received from the log processing team, merged with the database of paper
entries, and posted to the web. The checked scores for the 2002 RTTY
Roundup were received from the log checking team, merged into the master
database. Preliminary boxes were prepared and emailed to the author who will
be reporting those results. It was discovered that plaques for the June VHF
QSO party (last ordered in 1995) are no longer available, as the company
that provided them has gone out of business. We are working with the
Graphics Department on a new design for the plaque, as well as new designs
for contest certificates. Numerous member queries for Field Day continue to
come in, both via email and phone calls.
QSL Bureau
QSL service status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 05/26/2002 -
870,325. No cards were mailed this week. Janet Rocco spent 7 hours
conducting tours around HQ. Martin Cook covered the morning shift at W1AW
for the vacationing Joe Carcia.
Thanks to Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, for his operating W1AW in the CQ WW
WPX CW Contest. He made 497 QSOs, with various North American and DX
stations, for a claimed score of 380,265. Scott worked on slow and fast
code practice runs for the latter part of the month of May and early June.
He handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot,
boxed up a Harris exciter for return to the Harris Corporation for repair
and worked the Thursday and Friday early afternoon shifts for a vacationing
Joe Carcia. Joe updated the web code practice files. He finally got
working the GPS receiver/Frequency Standard that was donated to the station.
Joe also processed text for the June W1AW Qualifying Runs. W1AW telephone
sales year to date (2002): $4,138.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
Barry Shelley 5/30-6/11 Vacation
Jean Wolfgang 6/7 Vacation
Dan Miller 6/8 EPA Convention, Bloomsburg, PA