Attached is the draft from the QPC on the new technician test. Interesting
that they say they have had no input from the public.
Jim Haynie
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{\plain February 1, 2002\par
}{\plain Draft of Element 2\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \tab Enclosed for your consideration is a suggested draft for the new Technician Class
syllabus which is normally issued on February 1, 2002. The actual Question pool will be
completed during the Summer/Fall and issued on December 1, 2002.\par
}{\plain \tab I have attempted to have the sub-element topics and question subjects in an order that can
be used as a curriculum for a Technician course of study.\par
}{\plain \tab It is important that we keep in mind that the new Technician questions will begin use on
July 1, 2003, right after the end of the 2003 World Radio Conference. They will remain in effect
for five years, until June 30, 2008. It is, of course, unknown at this point, what changes will take
place as a result of WRC-2003.\par
}{\plain \tab I also think it is very important that we attempt to make the questions on what we feel a
newcomer to ham radio \'96 especially a youngster \'96 should know. It may be that some of the
following subjects can/should be eliminated as unnecessary.\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain 73/Fred/W5YI\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain T1\tab 5 Questions \'96 5 Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Amateur Service Rules}{\plain \par
}{\plain T1A\tab Definition and purpose of Amateur Radio and Amateur\_Satellite Services,
Communications Act, Part 97 and FCC regulation of the amateur services, Penalties for
unlicensed operation and for violating FCC rules\par
}{\plain T1B\tab International aspect of Amateur Radio, ITU Regions, International and domestic
spectrum allocation, Spectrum sharing, Operation at places where the FCC does not regulate the
Amateur Service, International communications\par
}{\plain T1C\tab All about licenses, Station and operator license grant structure, General eligibility,
License grant term, Modifying license grant, Renewing license grant, Grace period, Canadian
reciprocity, Alien operation \par
}{\plain T1D\tab Qualifying for a license, Purpose of examination, Examination elements, Upgrading
operator license class, Element credit, Provision for physical disabilities. \par
}{\plain T1E\tab Amateur station sign systems, ITU Prefix, sign format, Definitions contained in Part 97
(Section 97.3)\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain T2\tab 2 Questions \'96 Two Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Methods of Communication}{\plain \par
}{\plain T2A\tab How Radio Works, Electromagnetic spectrum, Magnetic/Electric Fields, Nature of Radio
Waves, Wave length, Frequency, Velocity\par
}{\plain T2B\tab Frequency allocations, Amateur bands, Audio and RF frequency, Unmodulated RF
carrier, Emission types and designators, Modulation principles, AM/FM/Single
sideband/upper\_lower, Full quieting.\par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T3\tab 2 Questions \'96 Two Groups\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \b\ul Radio Phenomena}{\plain \par
}{\plain T3A\tab How a radio signal travels, Atmosphere/troposphere/ionosphere and ionized layers, Skip
distance, Ground (surface)/sky (space) waves, Single/multihop, Path, Ionospheric absorption,
Refraction, Line of sight.\par
}{\plain T3B\tab HF vs. VHF-UHF characteristics, Types of VHF-UHF propagation, Daylight and
seasonal variations, Tropospheric ducting, Maximum usable frequency (MUF), Sunspots and
sunspot Cycle, Characteristics of different bands,\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain T4\tab 3 Questions \'96 3 Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Station Licensee Duties}{\plain \par
}{\plain T4A \tab Correct name and mailing address on station license grant, Places from where station is
authorized to transmit, Selecting station location, Antenna structure location, Stations installed
aboard ship or aircraft.\par
}{\plain T4B\tab Designation of control operator, FCC presumption of control operator, Physical control of
station apparatus, Control point, Immediate station control, protecting against unauthorized
transmissions, Station records, FCC Inspection, Restricted operation\par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T4C\tab Providing public service, emergency and disaster communications, Purpose of RACES\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \par
}{\plain T5\tab 3 Questions \'96 3 Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Control Operator Duties}{\plain \par
}{\plain T5A Determining operating privileges, Where control operator must be situated while station
is locally or remotely controlled, Operating other amateur stations\par
}{\plain T5B Selecting transmitting channel, Emission types, Transmitter power standards, Interference
to stations providing emergency communications; Station identification requirements, Observing
frequency boundaries\par
}{\plain T5C Authorized transmissions, Prohibited practices, Third party communications,
Retransmitting radio signals, Participation in message forwarding system, One way
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T6\tab 3 Questions \'96 3 Groups\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \b\ul Good Operating Practices}{\plain \par
}{\plain T6A\tab Calling another station, Calling CQ, Sending messages, Typical radio contacts, Proper
language, Courtesy, Respect for others, Q\_signals, Signal reception reports, Use of WWV
standards, Phonetic alphabet, Greenwich Mean Time.\par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T6B\tab Band selection, Occupied bandwidths for emission types, Voluntary band plans\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain T6C\tab TVI and RFI handling and elimination, Band/Low/High pass filter, Out of band harmonic
Signals, Spurious Emission\'92s, Grounding, Telephone Interference, Shielding, Receiver Overload\par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T7\tab 4 Questions \'96 4 Groups\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \b\ul Elementary Communications Electronics}{\plain (No math)\par
}{\plain T7A\tab Fundamentals of electricity, AC/DC power, Current/amperage, Watt, EMF/voltage,
Impedance, Rectifier, Ohm\'92s Law (definition, no math), Decibel, Metric System
(Deci/centi/milli/kilo/mega/giga), Henry, Farad.\par
}{\plain T7B\tab Analog vs. digital, Audio/RF signal, Oscillator, Bandwidth, Amplification, AC Sine
wave/Hertz/Cycles per second, Noise.\par
}{\plain T7C\tab Resistance/resistor, Capacitor/capacitance, Inductor/Inductance, Conductor/Insulator,
Diode, Transistor, Semiconductor devices, Step up/step down transformer, Filter, Schematic
symbol of Resistor/Switch/Battery/Inductor/Capacitor/Antenna/Ground, Polarity, Color Codes.\par
}{\plain \par
}{\plain T8\tab 6 Questions \'96 6 Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Good Engineering Practices}{\plain \par
}{\plain T8A\tab Basic amateur radio equipment, Choice of apparatus for desired communications, Setting
up station, Constructing and modifying amateur station apparatus, Station layout\par
}{\plain T8B\tab How transmitters work, operation and tuning, Crystals, VFO, Transceiver, Dummy load,
Power supply, Amplifier, Stability, Microphone gain, FM modulation/deviation.\par
}{\plain T8C\tab How receivers work, operation and tuning, Super-heterodyne, Intermediate frequency,
Reception, Demodulation or Detection, Sensitivity, Selectivity. Frequency standards, Crystal
}{\plain T8D\tab How antennas work, Constructing a simple antenna, Wire/dipole/ground
plane/vertical/beam antennas, Half wave dipole, length vs. frequency, Polarization, Directivity,
ERP, Directional/non\_directional antennas, Multiband antennas, Antenna gain, Resonant
frequency, Loading coil, Antenna switch, Electrical length, Radiation pattern, Antenna tuner.\par
}{\plain T8E\tab How transmission lines work, Standing waves/SWR/SWR\_meter, Impedance matching,
Types of transmission lines, Feed point, Coaxial cable, Balun\par
}{\plain T8F\tab Voltmeter/ammeter/ohmmeter/multi/S\_meter, Block diagrams, Building/modifying
equipment, Soldering, Minimum tools needed for building kits, Making measurements, Test
}{\plain \par
}{\plain T9\tab 2 Questions \'96 2 Groups\par
}{\plain \b\ul Special Operations}{\plain \par
}{\plain T9A\tab How an FM Repeater Works, Repeater operating procedures, Available frequencies,
Input/output frequency Separation, Repeater ID requirements, Simplex operation, Coordination,
Squelch and audio gain (volume) control, Time out, Open/closed repeater, Responsibility for
}{\plain T9B\tab Auxiliary/beacon/satellite/space/EME communications, Message forwarding, Radio
control of models, Slow-scan televison, Autopatch, CTCSS tone access, Telecommand
provisions, Duplex/crossband operation.\par
}{\plain \par
}\pard \fi-720\li720\sl0\tx720
{\plain T0\tab 5 Questions \'96 5 Groups\par
}\pard \sl0
{\plain \b\ul Electrical, Antenna/Tower and RF Safety Practices}{\plain \par
}{\plain T0A\tab Lightning protection, Station grounding, Avoiding electrical shock, Station wiring.\par
}{\plain T0B\tab Safety interlock switch, Open/short circuit, Fuses, Sources of danger: power line/power
supplies/high current batteries, Wiring a three wire electrical plug, Need for main power switch\par
}{\plain T0C\tab Antenna installation safety, Tower climbing Safety, Safety belt/hard hat/safety glasses,
Antenna structure limitations.\par
}{\plain T0D\tab Definition of RF radiation, Procedures for RF environmental safety, Definitions and
guidelines, Radiofrequency exposure standards, Near/far field, Field strength, Compliance
distance, Controlled/Uncontrolled environment.\par
}{\plain T0E\tab RF Biological effects and potential hazards, Radiation exposure limits, OET Bulletin 65,
MPE (Maximum permissible exposure), Routine station evaluation\par
}{\plain \par